Our women’s ministry is excited to announce that both Tuesday AM/PM women’s groups will be studying Nehemiah this Spring. Two different studies are being offered. You can preview the morning group’s book on amazon, and read more on Nehemiah from Kathleen Nielson, director of women’s initiatives for The Gospel Coalition and author of the book. The evening study will use Nehemiah: Experiencing the Good Hand of God by John MacArthur, which takes readers on a journey through biblical text to discover what lies beneath the surface.

Women’s Spring Bible Study Details:

  • Tuesday Morning study meets at the church from 9AM – 11AM, April 1st – June 3rd. Free childcare is available with advanced notice. Contact Sharon Stankunas (sstankunas @ gmail.com) or Paige French (pbemfrench @ gmail.com).
  • Tuesday Evening study meets every other week, 6:30-8:30PM. Please purchase book online or at a retail store. Sorry no childcare provided. For details and directions please email Laura Smoot (lauracsmoot @ gmail.com).

The Gospel Coalition 2014 Women’s Conference plenary talks will also take us right through the book of Nehemiah. We’re hoping those who attend will want to study further—and worship with us at this incredible conference in June. More information on the upcoming studies and the conference can be found on our website:  http://www.cccgainesville.com/#/connect/womens-ministries.



My father was a wonderful story teller. Mostly they were stories of his grandparents, parents or his childhood and adolescent years. Much of what I know about my lineage is not in the details of a family tree, it is through stories that captivated my imagination as a child sitting at the dinner table.

Spiritual parenting is learning how to become a storyteller as one who is connected to a larger story. During the Friday evening session we will learn about creating an environment of storytelling and an environment of identity (rooted in Christ). Much like my dad teaching me about our family lineage  through story and me knowing where I came from, there is another story that must be told to our children. John Westerhoff says, “At the heart of our Christian faith is a story…Unless the story is known, understood, owned, and lived, we and our children will not have Christian faith.”

During this session we will be introduced to the Big God Story. This is telling our children the story of God’s promise to his people. For those of you who read the Jesus Storybook Bible or The Big Picture Bible with your children, you have seen how the promise of Jesus, or God’s covenant, is weaved into each story — this is God’s covenant to His children. “If we consistently tell our children the Big God Story and help them to see the bigger story that has been lived out for thousands of years, they will have the privilege of catching a glimpse of the wonder of it all. The wonderful mystery of who God is and how He has chosen a part for each of us to play.” Also during the Friday evening session we will learn how to create an environment of identity. It is through learning about our identity as part of God’s family, that we learn about God’s promise to send the rescuer and about our Christian lineage.

The world tells our children that their identity is found in who their friends are, what sort of car they drive, the clothes they wear, their academic or athletic abilities. They can struggle to understand what it means to find identity in Christ. During this session we will learn how to create an environment that helps our children think differently about themselves, to help them see that not only are they image bearers of God, but God is their father.

“As we live in our identity, seeking to live out the life we were created to live in Christ, then we can genuinely ask the next question: ‘Who did God create my child to be?’ It is here that we begin to understand the Father’s heart for spiritual parenting.”

Spiritual parenting is helping our children see God’s Big Story and to see that God has a role for them in that story.

We would love to have you join us for the Friday evening session (as well as Saturday), registration has opened! You may register at this link. 


SP LogoWe are proud to present Children’s Ministry first ever parenting conference. On April 11th & 12th will be hosting the Spiritual Parenting Conference.

What is a Spiritual Parenting Conference?

It’s not about perfect behavior. It’s about passionate hearts.

It’s hard enough to train kids to behave, but good behavior isn’t what Jesus calls for in the Bible. He wants hearts and souls that are shaped in vibrant faith and love toward God and others. In Spiritual Parenting, Dr. Michelle Anthony places the dependence upon God for our child and calls the reader to a heart posture of obedience and faithfulness. The end goal is a vibrant faith that is passed on from one generation to another. During this conference we will learn from author Michelle Anthony through previously recorded conference. The following sessions will be offered:

  1. Awakening to Spiritual Parenting
  2. Environments for Cultivating Faith and Storytelling
  3. Identity and Faith Community
  4. Responsibility and Course Correction

Details about each of these sessions will be posted on the church blog in the coming weeks leading up the the Conference. You can watch for there at this link through the months of February and March we will be offering more information, registration and reading materials. But here are the details you need now:


Friday April 11th; 6-8pm
Saturday April 12th; 8:30 am-Noon *note time change!*
(Breakfast served for everyone)

Kids? We will have childcare through the whole event. Friday evening will be pizza and a movie, and Saturday will be run like a day camp.

Cost? $25 per couple & $5 per child in childcare

Who? This conference is open to all parents with children in utero thru high school, care providers, prospective parents, grandparents, anyone who serves families or children, your friends from other churches are also invited (please be looking for invitations on the Welcome Station in the month of March).

We are looking forward to offering this resource of learning and community growth to you please be watching for further information soon to come. So save the date!

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Over the next two months, we have two unique opportunities to grow in our involvement in the local church, in our connections with each other, and in our understanding of God’s word. “Foundations” and our “Next Step Class” will be offered for 6-consecutive weeks, beginning Sunday, January 26 at 6pm* in the sanctuary.
(*Next Step meets at 5:30pm on January 26, then at 6pm for the remainder.)

  • Foundations – Register Online Here
    Once per year, we offer an education series on Sunday night where participants are invited to dig deeply into God’s word and study a topic together. Last year, we studied the Westminster Confession of Faith (audio recordings here.). This year, Pastor Rob Pendley will look at the topic of Renewal. What does it look like? How do we participate with God in it? What is the goal of renewal? and more. Will include emphasis on role of prayer and the Scriptures in spiritual wakefulness.
  • Next Step Class – Register Online Here
    Our 6-week Next Step class coincides in part with the Foundations series. The Next Step class is offered periodically to anyone interested in learning more about the church. The class encourages church membership, and it is a prerequisite to joining CCC. For more information, or for help with registration, please contact the church office. (352) 379-4949 or info@christcommunitychurch.com.
    Please note: Completing this form will also register you for the Foundations Series: Renewal.
    *Plan to meet for Next Step Class overview at 5:30 on January 26, and then join in the Foundations class at 6 pm.*

A group from CCC is planning to attend the Gospel Coalition’s 2014 National Women’s Conference in Orlando June 27-29. More about the conference here. If you’ve been considering making the trip, the early bird discount (save $50) ends tonight (1/9/14 at 1:00am.) If you enter the code “payitforward” at checkout, you’ll also save an additional $25. Register online here.

Questions about the group’s plans? Please email Sharon Stankunas.

From our Women’s Ministry leaders:

One of our goals as women’s leaders of CCC is to provide opportunities for the Gospel to saturate your life. Through “seeking, sharing, and showing” grace, we hope to create environments for you know Jesus more intimately and pursue His purposes in your life. Please check out our Bible studies, social events, service projects, quarterly dinners, retreats and conferences in 2014. One awesome way for this to happen is the Gospel Coalition’s 2014 National Women’s conference in Orlando, June 27-29. The really unique and cool thing about this “women’s” conference, is that it is not all about women!!! It’s about the gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s a time to learn more of what the Scripture says to us—and to say it to each other. A time to hear from incredible teachers. A time to dig deeper into the character of God and his purposes for his people. A time to gather together and share encouragement as sisters, daughters, wives, mothers, and friends. We had such a dear time together in 2012. Here is a bit more:

“A conference for women, all about the Word! Plenary speakers will unfold the book of Nehemiah—the story of God’s people returned to a broken-down city and called to trust God’s Word at a point of great need. It’s about God redeeming a people for himself through his Son. This is our story. We’ll focus on listening to this Word…living in light of it…helping others hear it…worshiping according to it…waiting on the Spirit who inspired it…exalting Jesus at the center of it.”