SP LogoWe are proud to present Children’s Ministry first ever parenting conference. On April 11th & 12th will be hosting the Spiritual Parenting Conference.

What is a Spiritual Parenting Conference?

It’s not about perfect behavior. It’s about passionate hearts.

It’s hard enough to train kids to behave, but good behavior isn’t what Jesus calls for in the Bible. He wants hearts and souls that are shaped in vibrant faith and love toward God and others. In Spiritual Parenting, Dr. Michelle Anthony places the dependence upon God for our child and calls the reader to a heart posture of obedience and faithfulness. The end goal is a vibrant faith that is passed on from one generation to another. During this conference we will learn from author Michelle Anthony through previously recorded conference. The following sessions will be offered:

  1. Awakening to Spiritual Parenting
  2. Environments for Cultivating Faith and Storytelling
  3. Identity and Faith Community
  4. Responsibility and Course Correction

Details about each of these sessions will be posted on the church blog in the coming weeks leading up the the Conference. You can watch for there at this link through the months of February and March we will be offering more information, registration and reading materials. But here are the details you need now:


Friday April 11th; 6-8pm
Saturday April 12th; 8:30 am-Noon *note time change!*
(Breakfast served for everyone)

Kids? We will have childcare through the whole event. Friday evening will be pizza and a movie, and Saturday will be run like a day camp.

Cost? $25 per couple & $5 per child in childcare

Who? This conference is open to all parents with children in utero thru high school, care providers, prospective parents, grandparents, anyone who serves families or children, your friends from other churches are also invited (please be looking for invitations on the Welcome Station in the month of March).

We are looking forward to offering this resource of learning and community growth to you please be watching for further information soon to come. So save the date!

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Please be in prayer for our group who is serving at the Palmer Home in Columbus, MS from July 24 to 30. Pray for the hard work we’ll be doing, friendships to strengthen, that we’ll be a blessing to the Palmer Home, and that we’ll return more deeply satisfied in God.

The team – Austin, KJ, Brad, Sarah, Nate, Lauren, Anna, Deonna, Maggie, and Caitlyn.

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