Sunday the passage in Philippians 3 pointed us to the reality that our dying to ourselves creates life for others. This article by Dane Ortlund captures well the way that this can look in our relationship with others.

All day long, words are flowing out of us. Passing another and saying hello in the hallway at work, chatting over lunch, greeting our spouse at the end of the day, tucking a child in with a good night story, speaking with a salesperson at Best Buy, talking on the phone while driving. We also use words without employing the larynx: emails, tweets, Facebook comments, handwritten notes stuck on the fridge. Even in this article I am using words: Are they bringing life?

In the hurricane of words that make up any given day, how do we walk in wisdom such that our words inject sanity, calm, and life rather than destruction? In two ways.

First, by saying nothing.

Second, by saying something.

Read the whole thing.


I just sat in on a planning meeting of the team that leads our ministry to youth. Great group who are zealous for Christ and to see Him adored and followed by middle and high school students. You WILL be hearing more from them in weeks to come.


Joey Roberts, Steven Eicholtz, Angela White, Tori Jacobs, Anthony D’Augustino




Tomorrow we will sing together
Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing

Here’s a great 2 minute bio on the author, Robert Robinson


Yesterday Bob Ausband toured Narnia and wrote:

“It was my delight to look in on the Vacation Bible School at CCC on the final day of the event. It occurred to me that God was smiling too. There were about 100 children in their yellow shirts, and 30 to 40 adults in their red shirts. The theme was “Narnia”, and the leaders had just outdone themselves preparing the classrooms, the main corridor, and the outdoors, for the learning and the participation. (And need I mention the refreshments?)”