John testifies to the reality of Jesus’ incarnation–God’s life-giving love to the world.

Womens Bible Study

Members of our Bible Study meet with a guest speaker while hosting this years Seasoned Gators brunch.

Please join us this spring for a 7-week Bible study through the Epistle of 1 John.
We will be answering these questions and much more:

  • When you find yourself falling again and again in a certain area, stuck in some habitual sin, what impact does it have on your life? How do you usually try to remedy the situation?
  • Consistency — being steadfast and steady–whether it regards a diet, a friendship, or one’s walk with God, is a struggle for everyone.  What makes it so difficult?  What things get in the way as we seek to be people of integrity, consistency, and follow though?
  • Think of the people who have most influenced you. How have they shaped you? Why were they able to be so influential?
  •  In calling us to a life of love, John first gives an example of hate that helps us understand love and calls us to self-examination. What does this passage tell us about hate? What are its object, its origin, and its provocation? How does it manifest itself, both overtly and subtly? What do the presence of hate and the absence of love indicate about a person?
    Using John’s words in verses 16-18, how would you define love? Why is Christ’s death on the cross the supreme example? How can that example help you to love difficult people?

The Details:

What?  Tim Keller  1John  Holiness and Love
When?  Tuesdays!  April 7th-May 19t​h    9AM – 11Am
Where?  Christ Community Church
How much?  $5 covers study materials
Childcare?  Yes   with RSVP
RSVP?  Please, to

When you sign up, we will send the study materials for our first study.   Please feel free to invite friends.

In Jesus,
Lauren, Susan, Amber, and Sharon​


The Women’s team of CCC is excited to announce our fall Tuesday Bible Study! Both morning and evening groups will be working through Peacemaking Women by Tara Barthel and Judy Dabler. Details below. please RSVP!

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35)

“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit though the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3)

Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” But it often seems like conflict and disagreement are unavoidable. Friends let you down. A romance turns sour. Children rebel. You feel like you don’t measure up. Is there really hope for living at peace? Peacemaking Women offers a meaningful, lasting message to lead you out of conflict and into a state of peace where you can live as a representative of Jesus to other women…as well as to unbelievers. We need this study!

  • It contains a wealth of wisdom and encouragement for women who want to learn how to turn any conflict into an opportunity to build deeper and closer relationships.
  • The authors write out of rich personal experience and failure. God has and is refining them in the furnace of their own personal, family, and professional conflicts.
  • The greatest strength of this study is that it is consistently Christ -centered. The gospel–the good news that Jesus has saved us from all our sins –is woven into every aspect of the peacemaking model.
  • It’s utterly practical. Tara and Judy address a wide array of conflict scenarios that women face in today’s complex world and provide detailed and realistic steps of resolving all kinds of personal issues.
  • Prepare to be challenged and encouraged, convicted and inspired. I know I have been…

Tuesday AM information:

When? Tuesdays 9-11AM
Start date? August 26th
Where? CCC –adult SS room
How Much $$? $15 covers book
Childcare? Yes! free with registration

Tuesday PM information:

When? Tuesdays
Start date? September 2nd
Location and times? TBD

Books are being ordered. Please let us know that you are coming! and feel free to forward to friends that I have missed!

In Jesus!

Paige, Lauren, Susan, Laura, and Sharon


If you made it out to the adult ed class yesterday, you might have heard Rob mention our summer reading plan. This is a simple suggestion of how to spend deliberate time in the Bible this summer. Quarter sheets with the the suggested readings are available in the foyer. If it’s part of your daily routine already, the suggested readings are divided up into morning and evening Psalms. If it isn’t a part of your day, then the readings are an excellent way to start. Pick one from each day and read it before bed, or get up five minutes early and read the morning Psalm. Give it a try and let me know how it goes. If the plan is helpful to you, or if it could be better, we would love to hear from you.

The plan started yesterday and will continue through August 10. We pulled the readings from the ESV “Daily Office Lectionary”. You can access the daily office online as well by heading over to Crossway’s site. They even have an iCal option that will push to your calendar. Check it out here. Note that if you use the online tool, you’ll be presented with the full readings for the day. We are just working through the Psalms together.

We will also be using the lectionary in our corporate worship this summer, drawing from the Psalm designated for each Sunday and exploring it somewhere in our liturgy. Yesterday, we sang “The King of Love My Shepherd Is”, based on Psalm 23.


Financial Peace University (FPU) is a 9 week video course that helps people organize their money and think biblically about resources. In early 2014 we were privileged to host the class that was enjoyed by many people. Here is the testimony of one participant:

The FPU course was an amazing experience that truly made my wife and I grow as a couple. As recent newlyweds, we were somewhat nervous about making financial decisions together. The course and wonderful instructors empowered us to work together and become spiritually and financially stronger. We highly recommend this course to all of our friends and relatives.
A new Financial Peace class begins on September 7. For more information contact Josh, 665-5170.​



Secret Church, Friday, April 18th, 7PM-1AM at Christ Community Church
Secret Church is a focused, intense 6 hour Bible study on a specific topic with the ultimate purpose of equipping members to be able to teach others. This year will focus on “The Cross and Everyday Life”. Registration is $7 and includes the book. Learn more and register on the patio starting this Sunday or register online now!