Three Great Men Died That Day:
C.S. Lewis, Aldous Huxley, and JFK


Fifty years ago, three great men died within a few hours of each other: C. S. Lewis, John F. Kennedy and Aldous Huxley. In 1982, philosophy professor Peter Kreeft imagined the three of them in conversation after their deaths.

Positioning Lewis as a proponent of ancient Western theism, Kennedy as a modern Western humanist, and Huxley as an ancient Eastern pantheist, Kreeft wrote a conversational book entitled Between Heaven and Hell: A Dialog Somewhere Beyond Death with John F. Kennedy, C. S. Lewis & Aldous Huxley.


Book Review

Newsweek Article

One of the Reasons C.S. Lewis Remains So Widely Read 50 Years after His Death, ByJohn Piper:

Lewis’s unwavering commitment to what is True and Real and Valuable, as opposed to what is trendy or fashionable or current, has been another kind of liberation for me, namely, from “chronological snobbery.” He loved the wisdom of the ages, not the whimsy of the passing present. He called himself a Neanderthaler and a dinosaur.

He didn’t read newspapers.

He never wore a watch.

He never learned to type.

He did not own or drive a car.

He cared nothing about cutting a good appearance and wore the same old clothes until they were threadbare.

He was incredibly free from the addicting powers of the present moment.

The effect of this on me has been to make me wary of what he called “chronological snobbery.” That is, he has shown me that “newness” is no virtue, and “oldness” is no fault. He considered the present time to be provincial with its own blind spots. He said once: every third book you read should be from outside your own (provincial) century. Truth and beauty and goodness are not determined by when they exist. Nothing is inferior for being old, and nothing is valuable for being modern. This has freed me from the tyranny of novelty and opened for me the wisdom of the centuries.


Join Nathan and Penny in celebrating the birth of their daughter. Lydia Marie Lewis was born at 11:13 pm on 11/17/13, weighing 7 lbs 13 oz. Mom and baby are doing great, and big brothers Isaac and Asher couldn’t be prouder.


Holli Best coordinates meals for new families! 352.246.1590 hollibestATgmailDOTcom


Operation Christmas Child 2013



For the past month our church has been talking about Operation Christmas Child and collection week is finally here!



If Operation Christmas Child is new to you and you have never packed a shoebox gift, please check out theOperation Christmas Child website and this video below which tells more about the project.

As they say, all it takes is a simple gift to make a difference in a child’s life.  I hope you will all pack a box!  The deadline to drop off your boxes is this Sunday, November 24. After the second service the boxes will all be taken to one of the local collection centers. (Email harmony812 [at] gmail [dot] com to help take the boxes.)

Here is how to pack a shoebox gift:

Use an empty shoe box (standard size, please), a small plastic container or just grab a box from church. You can wrap the box (lid separately), but wrapping is not required. Most importantly, pray for the child who will receive your gift.

Determine whether your gift will be for a boy or a girl, and the child’s age category: 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14. Print out the appropriate boy/girl label by downloading the artwork from the OCC website. Mark the correct age category on the label, and tape the label to the top of your box.

Fill the box with a variety of gifts that will bring delight to a child.  Use the gift ideas provided on the bottom of this page.

Please donate $7 or more for each shoe box you prepare to help cover shipping and other project costs. You can give online by using the “Follow Your Box Donation” option, or you can write a check to Samaritan’s Purse (note “OCC” on memo line) and place it in an envelope on top of the gift items inside your box. If you or your family are preparing more than one shoe box, please make one combined donation.

Place a rubber band around each closed shoe box and drop it off at church.

And if you still need more motivation to pack a box…please visit the OCC Stories page to read story after story of how God uses these simple gifts to change hearts and lives and communities around the world.  It is truly amazing to see how God uses something we would consider insignificant to spread his Kingdom and glory all through the Earth.

If you have any questions, please contact


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Kaitlyn Shelton and Miranda Andrews are joining the church Sunday. Kaitlyn will be baptized Sunday morning. Read her testimony below:

I went to a Christian school at the age of three and have heard about Christ my entire life. My grandmother who came to Christ after fleeing Cuba helped my parents raise me and talked about God every day. In elementary my mother told me to ask Jesus into my heart if I did not want to go to hell. I did so, but I did not really understand what it meant. As middle school student, I was required to go to Bible classes. Each year I learned more about God and His mercy. By the end of middle school I realized that I no longer wanted to just know about Christ. I wanted to have a personal relationship with Him.

The next school year I attended Warrior Week. During the first week of school, all the high school students are brought together to worship, have fun, and meet each other instead of attending classes. During that week we were asked if we wanted to accept Christ as our personal Savior. We prayed a prayer together. As the school year continued, I was able to ask my high school Bible teachers questions I had about God.

I started going to Christ Community on and off last school year. My biggest reason for not going was because I needed to ask for rides. I felt like I was putting people out by doing so. Later on that year I was given rides by my friend, Miranda (pictured above). I have not met many people outside of RUF at Christ Community and am trying to work on that a little more this year.


Last Sunday (November 10, 2013), our treasurer, Adam Means, gave a brief financial presentation during the offering portion of our worship gatherings. You can access his Powerpoint presentation below, as well as a full recording of his presentation.

PDF: CCC Treasurer Financial Presentation

Audio: CCC 2013 Financial Presentation Pt 2