Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child Collection Week is almost here! Over these next two Sundays please bring your completed boxes to the church. On November 24th a team of people will be taking the boxes our church collects to one of the drop off locations in town. You can drop of your boxes or get more info on OCC at our table in the foyer.

Is Operation Christmas Child new to you? OCC is a wonderful ministry from Samaritan’s Purse that takes small gifts packed by people like you and me and delivers them to children around the world. I love this quote from the Operation Christmas Child website:

A small shoebox can teach a child about the love of God, lead him or her to faith in Christ, inspire pastors, and plant new churches. What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out is eternal. Be a part of changing lives through the power of a simple gift.

I love it! Something as small as a shoebox of gifts can be used by our great God to show children and communities throughout the globe His love and grace. I always tell my children that we give gifts at Christmas not just because we love the people that we are giving to, but also because it reminds us of God’s great gift to us in the person of His Son, Jesus. This ministry is a way that we can share that with a boy or a girl who needs the good news and great joy of God’s love.

The best part of all of this is that these gifts are not delivered in a vacuum. The delivery of the boxes connects the children with local churches and children are discipled and cared for by that church. Many times whole families come to faith in Jesus through one small shoebox. Your gift matters…God can do amazing things with it! The OCC website has many wonderful and touching stories of children, families and communities that have been changed  because of God’s work through this ministry. Go check it out and get inspired!

Need help with getting started? Below are some simple instructions on how to pack a shoebox gift.

This is a wonderful project to do with family, friends, your small group or Bible Study! It is also a great way to get even young children involved in giving and global missions. Make shopping and packing the box an event with your group or family. And don’t forget to pray, pray, pray for the child that will receive your box and for the church that will be following up with that child and his or her family.

Use an empty shoe box (standard size, please), a small plastic container or just grab a box from church. You can wrap the box (lid separately), but wrapping is not required. Most importantly, pray for the child who will receive your gift.

Determine whether your gift will be for a boy or a girl, and the child’s age category: 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14. Print out the appropriate boy/girl label by downloading the artwork from the OCC website. Mark the correct age category on the label, and tape the label to the top of your box.

Fill the box with a variety of gifts that will bring delight to a child.  Use the gift ideas provided on the bottom of this page on the OCC website.

Please donate $7 or more for each shoe box you prepare to help cover shipping and other project costs. You can give online by using the “Follow Your Box Donation” option, or you can write a check to Samaritan’s Purse (note “OCC” on memo line) and place it in an envelope on top of the gift items inside your box. If you or your family are preparing more than one shoe box, please make one combined donation.

Place a rubber band around each closed shoe box and drop it off at our OCC table in the foyer at church.

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Operation Christmas Child 2013



For the past month our church has been talking about Operation Christmas Child and collection week is finally here!



If Operation Christmas Child is new to you and you have never packed a shoebox gift, please check out theOperation Christmas Child website and this video below which tells more about the project.


As they say, all it takes is a simple gift to make a difference in a child’s life.  I hope you will all pack a box!  The deadline to drop off your boxes is this Sunday, November 24. After the second service the boxes will all be taken to one of the local collection centers. (Email harmony812 [at] gmail [dot] com to help take the boxes.)

Here is how to pack a shoebox gift:

Use an empty shoe box (standard size, please), a small plastic container or just grab a box from church. You can wrap the box (lid separately), but wrapping is not required. Most importantly, pray for the child who will receive your gift.

Determine whether your gift will be for a boy or a girl, and the child’s age category: 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14. Print out the appropriate boy/girl label by downloading the artwork from the OCC website. Mark the correct age category on the label, and tape the label to the top of your box.

Fill the box with a variety of gifts that will bring delight to a child.  Use the gift ideas provided on the bottom of this page.

Please donate $7 or more for each shoe box you prepare to help cover shipping and other project costs. You can give online by using the “Follow Your Box Donation” option, or you can write a check to Samaritan’s Purse (note “OCC” on memo line) and place it in an envelope on top of the gift items inside your box. If you or your family are preparing more than one shoe box, please make one combined donation.

Place a rubber band around each closed shoe box and drop it off at church.

And if you still need more motivation to pack a box…please visit the OCC Stories page to read story after story of how God uses these simple gifts to change hearts and lives and communities around the world.  It is truly amazing to see how God uses something we would consider insignificant to spread his Kingdom and glory all through the Earth.

If you have any questions, please contact kids@christcommunitychurch.com.


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What I love about that video is that we hear from pastors that are there year-round in Sudan.  They know these children and are working to bring them into a relationship with Jesus.  And that is the next step that Samaritan’s Purse is taking in the areas in which the boxes are delivered.  They have started a program called The Greatest Journey.  This program is a 12 lesson discipleship courses designed for children around the world to know who Jesus is and how to follow Him.  It is taught by trained, LOCAL teachers who are invested in the children in their area.

This next video shows children in Mexico go through The Greatest Journey course and graduate from it.  This is an exciting extension of Operation Christmas Child because it means that local pastors and teachers are participating in actual discipleship of the children.  The shoe box gift is just the beginning…the gospel message is moving forward and children are embracing it and following Jesus all over the world!

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We had a great time at our Operation Christmas Child event yesterday!  We packed shoe boxes, learned about the journey a shoe box must take to reach its destination, ran a fun relay race and heard about the impact our shoe box gifts may have on the child who receives it.

These impact stories illustrate exactly why we are participating in this project.  Even the simplest item can change a child’s life forever.  It is amazing what God can do through these shoe box gifts.  I know I am overwhelmed every time I read a story (and there are MANY more that just these few I will share with you) telling how a child received JUST what he or she needed.  Our God is so good and knows our every need and provides lavishly.  His generosity and mercy compels me to want to give to others who are in need of simple comfort and in need of the life-saving message of the Gospel and I hope it compels you as well.

Here are a few of the stories we shared yesterday:

  • Ruphina’s Story (Kazakhstan):Ruphina got word that a free gift distribution was taking place in her town in Kazakhstan, a country that borders Russia in Europe. It was a rainy day, but Ruphina gathered her siblings and cousins to go receive shoe box gifts. When Ruphina and her family arrived at the place where gifts were being handed out, there was a video about Jesus playing. She began to rejoice over Him, even before she opened her shoe box. There were many small things that Ruphina saw when she opened her box, but one thing caught her attention. A pink shirt was just her size and instantly became her favorite clothing item. She had never had much clothing, but she felt that Jesus had designed that box exactly for her.
  • Ricardo’s Story (Mexico) – Ricardo: In the rural areas of Mexico, 13- and 14-year-old boys don’t get to play video games or go to school. They are expected to help support their families financially by working long days. For some, this means herding cows. For others, it means tending the nets on a fishing boat. All the hard work can cause blisters and sores, because there is no equipment to protect the boys’ feet and hands. When Ricardo opened his box, he was pleased to find a pair of yellow work gloves. He said “Wow, gloves! They’ll fit all this year and next.” Can you imagine being so grateful for gloves that you would have to use to do work and chores? Well Ricardo was, because they will help him and his family with expenses. Ricardo and 300 others in his village received gifts that will allow them to play and work for a long time.

  • Bakatwamba’s Story (Democratic Republic of the Congo): In the Democratic Republic of Congo, twelve-year-old Bakatwamba lives with his parents. Due to financial hardship, Bakatwamba’s parents were not able to purchase a school bag for him and he was forced to carry his things in a paper bag. When he opened his shoe box gift, Bakatwamba was overjoyed to discover a brand new school bag. The gift encouraged him to continue with school in an environment where there is a high drop-out rate. Through Operation Christmas Child, Bakatwamba also had the opportunity to enroll in a discipleship course with materials furnished by Samaritan’s Purse and later received Christ. After graduating from the discipleship course and receiving his certificate, his entire family became interested in learning more about Jesus, and Bakatwamba was equipped to share the Gospel with them. The family now regularly attends a local church.
  • Lejla’s Story (Bosnia):

The Lejla Allison Story from Samaritan’s Purse on Vimeo.

As I said, these are only a few of the stories that have come from children affected by the love of Jesus sent through shoe box gifts.  If you want to see or hear more please visit the Operation Christmas Child website.

Also, if you haven’t packed a box (or two!) yet, there is still time!  Please visit this page to learn what you need to do to pack a shoe box.  You can even print out your label from online and track your box to see where in the world your boxes will travel too.

This is a great opportunity to make a difference in child’s life at such a low cost to yourself.  Please pack a box today!

Deadline to return boxes is next Sunday, November 20.  We will have a collection station in the foyer of the church…Look for the giant shoe box!


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The Power of a Simple Gift

We hope everyone can join us for our Operation Christmas Child Experience!  The event is November 12, 3-5 pm with a chili supper to follow.  This will be a great time of service and fellowship and will be fun for all ages.  Please RSVP on the sign-in sheets this Sunday or email kids@christcommunitychurch.com.

If you can’t join us for the event, we hope you will still pack a box or two.  There is information on packing boxes at our Operation Christmas Child table across from the Children’s Welcome Station.  We have a goal of 200 boxes for the church, so help us reach our goal!  You can drop them off on either November 13 or November 20.

Here are a couple links to info and resources for packing a shoe box:
How to Pack a Shoe Box
Seven Steps to a Thankful Heart – Ideas for a fun family night of shoe box packing

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