Stick around after service this Sunday and enjoy a church-wide meal! It’s a potluck,  so please bring a pasta dish if you can.

Dishes can be dropped in the kitchen prior to worship, and a group will take care of warming and serving. The church will provide salad, bread and drinks.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!


Yesterday, the session of elders announced that Kyle Kockler is serving as our interim pastor. I am personally excited to work with Kyle and look forward to getting to know him and his wife, Ginny. Please join us in welcoming them to CCC. Here is the announcement from the elders:

CCC Family,

We are excited to report that the Lord has provided once again for Christ Community.  Kyle Kockler has been called and accepted our offer to be our Interim Pastor.  Kyle has 12 years of experience as an ordained PCA Teaching Elder, including twice being the interim pastor at churches searching for a new senior pastor.  It is clear to the elders that God has provided Kyle in our time of need and that Kyles experience will be of great benefit to CCC.

Kyle will be on staff with us on a half-time basis and his duties will include some  preaching as well as assisting with many CCC ministries.  Kyle will be working closely with the elders and current leaders to determine how he can best be an encouragement and help in this time of transition for our church.  He started working on September 1st and has already participated in a session meeting and has met with some of our staff.  Over the next few weeks he will mostly be working to better understand CCC and our ministries .

Kyle and his wife Ginny are coming to us from Faith Presbyterian, our sister PCA church in Gainesville.  Kyle will not only be on staff, he and Ginny will also be joining our fellowship so please make sure we welcome them well to CCC.  Kyle and Ginny already had prior commitments for the last 3 Sundays in September before accepting this position so we won’t see them on Sundays for most of September, but he will be meeting with leaders and staff during the week.  We look forward to having them with us regularly on Sundays beginning October 1st.

Please join the elders in reaching out to Kyle and Ginny and welcoming them to our church family.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

Your Session


This past month we hosted two fun-filled weeks for children and youth. First our children blasted off to outer space during VBS. They spent the week learning what the Bible has to say about heaven, learning new songs, making fun crafts in the Space Lab, training in our Galactic Games, snacking on some Rocket Fuel. This year we had record attendance with over 100 children each day. Here are a couple slideshows of images from the week. The first is a longer version that we showed the space explorers on our last day of VBS and the second is the video recap we shared during our worship service after the event.

Our second event this summer was our Art Camp for girls. This summer our Art Camp was called “In & Out Cafe – Jealousy is not on the Menu”.  With our largest group to date, the 64 campers learned what the Bible teaches about jealousy, lying, quarreling, deceit, and forgiveness.  A 50’s Diner theme allowed for incredible art projects!  The group dance had us swingin’, boppin’, twistin’, and hoppin’ the week away!  It was so much fun!  Enjoy our highlight video from camp!


Secret Church, Friday, April 18th, 7PM-1AM at Christ Community Church
Secret Church is a focused, intense 6 hour Bible study on a specific topic with the ultimate purpose of equipping members to be able to teach others. This year will focus on “The Cross and Everyday Life”. Registration is $7 and includes the book. Learn more and register on the patio starting this Sunday or register online now!


For those of you considering attending the parenting conference on April 11th & 12th you might be wondering what you will do with your children during this time. Please read the information below to discover what adventures we have for the kids. Also if you are inviting friends to the conference this information might be helpful for them in deciding.

DSC_5804So, what about the kids? We are offering full childcare for children during the conference ($5 per child registered). Childcare will be for infants through 11 years. Older children may register as junior helpers.

What is going on? KIDS CLUB!

Childcare for the conference is going to be really fun! We are organizing both Friday evening and Saturday morning much like a day camp. Children will be grouped by ages, Infants (0 to 22 months), Toddlers (2 & 3 year olds), 4, 5,6 year olds and 7-11 year olds.


5:40-5:55 is Kids Club check in

6:00 Dinner (pizza, veggies and fruit, and cookies)

6:40-8pm Movies for the two older groups, and playtime and crafts for the younger children.


8:15-8:30 check in

8:30 Breakfast

during the morning we will have a visiting storyteller, indoor games and crafts, time on the playground and the youth are planning a fun outside game time.

If you have any questions about Kids Club during the conference please feel free to contact Holli Best