Over the past few weeks, I’ve been encouraged at some of the conversations sparked by the Opus Project. For all of our similarities, both as Christians and as a church, we are also a remarkably diverse people at CCC. If you spend enough time to get past the “Hello” and “Go Gata”, you will find a group of apprentices to Jesus that is in many ways just trying to make sense of the world and our part in it. Friday night is an opportunity for us to talk about that in a way that is formative, practical and encouraging. That’s why I am so thrilled about the Opus Project.

When people start to discuss “culture” in the context of church, I’m prone to jump to conclusions and assume more than I should. Starting this Friday, nearly 50 people have signed up to participate in panels that will get at some of the core issues of life that are often absent from our conversations as followers of Jesus. I look forward to this event, and the entire project, as an opportunity for expanding my categories of thinking in relating faith and daily life.

Our four focus areas are in many ways foundational to life in the world as followers of Jesus – being a neighbor, observing (and contributing to) the arts & culture, working, and seeking justice in the world.
I expect that, through God’s working in us and through us, we will all be surprised at what we find by interacting with each other on these topics. Just as my heart is challenged and transformed by Scripture on Sundays, I expect that my mind will be renewed by honest discourse on these things. I just wish I could be a part of all of the discussions!

Friday night is simply the church providing space, setting the table and opening the floor.
What will you bring to the discussion?


The Opus Project on Faith, Work and Culture launches Friday, November 16th at 7PM at Christ Community Church.


The Opus Project on Faith, Work, and Culture will set sail next Friday, Nov. 16, at 7:00 pm. In that night of conversation, we will hear details about the project and gain insight as to why such an initiative might be fitting for our church. If you missed the original post outlining Opus, be sure to take a look at that here.

Opus has a four-fold focus meant to broadly address a range of topics in our effort to nurture reflection and conversation about the church’s contribution to the flourishing of society and the renewal of all things. We call these our four focus areas:

  • Work
  • The Arts and Culture
  • Social Justice
  • The Neighborhood

As Opus unfolds in various forms, be it a class, reading group, lecture, special event, art exhibit, or whatever else, one or more of these focus areas will be in play. Ideally, on the 16th we’ll see four instantaneous conversations get started in each of these areas. Here’s a rundown of what you can expect to see from each:

  • Work – a panel discussion with four panelists from different lanes of life reflecting on the interplay between their faith and their own work. Panelists include:
    -Jay Lynch, oncologist, dean of admissions, UF College of Medicine
    -Sarah West, familial engineer (mom!), studied English, food crafter
    -Christy Johns, recent college graduate working in horticultural science
    -Jason Coleman, neuroscientist at UF
  • Social Justice – Britt Daniel will guide a discussion with the help of a guest from a child advocacy organization. In this session, we will ponder the questions: what is social justice? how might our faith propel us to social justice? what keeps us from social justice?
  • The Neighborhood – Ken French will facilitate a conversation about who is my neighbor and what does it mean to be a good neighbor for the good of the city, both in the literal residential neighborhood and in the wider area.

There will be an RSVP card in the bulletin this Sunday, so you can indicate your intentions and whether you need childcare. For questions or more info., email me (Todd Best) at toddbest@gmail.com.

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From Rebecca Schackow:

Church Staff Appreciation in November
This month, let’s take the time to express our gratitude to the dedicated staff that has served us so well this past year.  The staff appreciation committee invites you to write a “thank you” letter to one or more of our staff members letting them know how they have impacted your life by their hard work.  You may mail the letters directly to the recipient via the church office at 1603 SW 122nd Street, Gainesville, FL 32607 any time within the next week.  Your kind words are appreciated!  Contact Rebecca Schackow with questions: rebeccaschackow@gmail.com

Our Church Staff includes:

Senior Pastor – Rob Pendley
Church Administrator – Debbie Staples
Creative Director and Facilities Coordinator – Chris Hiatt
Children’s Ministry Administration Coordinator – Harmony Smith
Children’s Ministry Education Coordinator- Holli Best
Youth Director- Drew Donovan
Pastor’s Assistant – Leslie Marshall
Former Office Assistant – Emily Walker
Cleaning Personnel – Christina Medlin


UPDATE: The simulcast event at Christ Community has been cancelled. We encourage anyone interested to visit another location in Gainesville: www.multiplymovement.com

From Jonathan Berry:

“Jesus’ command to make disciples in the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20) was not intended solely for the early disciples, nor is disciple-making the responsibility of a special class of Christians.  Rather, all followers of Christ are called to make disciples, to fish for men (Matt. 4:19).  Many don’t actively make disciples simply because they don’t know what it means to be a disciple.” – David Platt

We want to invite you into an opportunity to connect with Christians from around America and around the world in hopes of exploring the depths of what it means to make disciples on a daily basis.  In the process of unveiling the practical ramifications of the Great Commission in our own personal spheres of influence, we will join David Platt and Francis Chan, at The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, AL, via webcast to seek God’s direction for us through His Word, prayer, and communion with fellow believers.  The Multiply Gathering is a new event for Christ Community Church, but one that falls right in line with the 360 Apprentices program – as we desire to know better what it means for us to follow Christ as a disciple and apprentice, we naturally desire to share that knowledge with others and so share in God’s joy in calling people to a greater knowledge of Him.

We will be meeting in the office complex on Friday, November 9, with the webcast starting at 8 P.M. and would love to know if you will be joining us.  If you’re planning to attend, you can let us know with a brief registration form at http://tinyurl.com/CCCmultiply.  If you have any questions about specifics of the event or would like more information, the website for the Multiply Movement (out of which the Multiply Gathering comes) is http://www.multiplymovement.com/.  Alternatively, or for CCC-specific information, you can email Jonathan Berry at jberry.09@gmail.com. We will meet in the church Multi-Purpose room adjacent to the offices.

We hope that this will be a great opportunity for our church to come together and achieve a better understanding of what disciple-making is, and that through this night, we will be spurred onward to joyfully live this is out in our daily lives.


Sandy continues to spread destruction across the northeast, moving more wind and rain inland and expanding its reach to more than 50 million people. Officials are certain that the losses of life and property in this country as a result of Sandy will exceed projections. At least 26 are confirmed dead, according to the New York Times, and early estimates of economic damage in the region total $20 billion.

Let us remember those who are in harm’s way in our prayers and seek the Lord’s provision for the roughly 6 million people currently without power. We are investigating opportunities to serve those affected by the storm through our own contacts and via Mission to the North America (MNA), our denomination’s disaster relief organization. We will provide updates on those opportunities on this page as they become available.

We are communicating with MNA and will seek to partner with our sister churches from around the country in meeting physical needs. It will be several days before we know the extent of the damage and learn exactly how we can help. If you are interested in participating in any relief efforts, please check back here for updates and contact the office at (352) 379-4949. In the meantime, a special donation center was just set up to receive emergency aid. We are assured that 100% of monies donated here will go directly to relief work on the ground.

For real-time updates from MNA: MNA Storm Response.

                But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.

(Jeremiah 29:7 ESV)