UPDATE: The simulcast event at Christ Community has been cancelled. We encourage anyone interested to visit another location in Gainesville: www.multiplymovement.com

From Jonathan Berry:

“Jesus’ command to make disciples in the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20) was not intended solely for the early disciples, nor is disciple-making the responsibility of a special class of Christians.  Rather, all followers of Christ are called to make disciples, to fish for men (Matt. 4:19).  Many don’t actively make disciples simply because they don’t know what it means to be a disciple.” – David Platt

We want to invite you into an opportunity to connect with Christians from around America and around the world in hopes of exploring the depths of what it means to make disciples on a daily basis.  In the process of unveiling the practical ramifications of the Great Commission in our own personal spheres of influence, we will join David Platt and Francis Chan, at The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, AL, via webcast to seek God’s direction for us through His Word, prayer, and communion with fellow believers.  The Multiply Gathering is a new event for Christ Community Church, but one that falls right in line with the 360 Apprentices program – as we desire to know better what it means for us to follow Christ as a disciple and apprentice, we naturally desire to share that knowledge with others and so share in God’s joy in calling people to a greater knowledge of Him.

We will be meeting in the office complex on Friday, November 9, with the webcast starting at 8 P.M. and would love to know if you will be joining us.  If you’re planning to attend, you can let us know with a brief registration form at http://tinyurl.com/CCCmultiply.  If you have any questions about specifics of the event or would like more information, the website for the Multiply Movement (out of which the Multiply Gathering comes) is http://www.multiplymovement.com/.  Alternatively, or for CCC-specific information, you can email Jonathan Berry at jberry.09@gmail.com. We will meet in the church Multi-Purpose room adjacent to the offices.

We hope that this will be a great opportunity for our church to come together and achieve a better understanding of what disciple-making is, and that through this night, we will be spurred onward to joyfully live this is out in our daily lives.


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About The Author

Christopher Hiatt