Summer Nights Poster 2015.indd


Join us for a church-wide event on Wednesday, July 8th. We will get together for a meal, a time of fun and fellowship, and a special secret surprise that you won’t want to miss! The Cookout begins at 5:30pm, and the Surprise will arrive at 6pm. Water games, inflatables, and sports to follow. Bring chairs or picnic blankets and plan to stay and fellowship for as long as you like!


Hello CCC,

We are excited to announce an all church event this coming Sunday June 21st.
We are excited and in God’s plan and timing we have nominated a candidate for Senior Pastor. We believe that God has directed us to Tim Hayse; a candidate that is wonderfully suited to CCC and a great fit with what we have been and hope to be.
Part of the process of nominating a candidate to the congregation has Tim Hayse coming to preach on Sunday the 21st. Immediately following the morning service there will be an Italian themed all church lunch on the grounds. This will be a time for fellowship with Tim, his wife Robin, and their children, Noah, Anna and Avery. Prior to the lunch there will be a question and answer time.
We need you to sign up to help. We need people to bring food, help set up, help serve and to help clean up after the event. Please use the sign-up sheet on signupgenius to indicate how you will be able to help.

Hayse family

Tim, Robin, Noah, Anna and Avery Hayse.

The PNC and Session are available at any time to answer your questions. Please don’t hesitate to ask or contact us.
Praising Him –
Brian, Charlie, Christian, Harry, Lynn, Mike and Sharon (Your PNC)


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John testifies to the reality of Jesus’ incarnation–God’s life-giving love to the world.

Womens Bible Study

Members of our Bible Study meet with a guest speaker while hosting this years Seasoned Gators brunch.

Please join us this spring for a 7-week Bible study through the Epistle of 1 John.
We will be answering these questions and much more:

  • When you find yourself falling again and again in a certain area, stuck in some habitual sin, what impact does it have on your life? How do you usually try to remedy the situation?
  • Consistency — being steadfast and steady–whether it regards a diet, a friendship, or one’s walk with God, is a struggle for everyone.  What makes it so difficult?  What things get in the way as we seek to be people of integrity, consistency, and follow though?
  • Think of the people who have most influenced you. How have they shaped you? Why were they able to be so influential?
  •  In calling us to a life of love, John first gives an example of hate that helps us understand love and calls us to self-examination. What does this passage tell us about hate? What are its object, its origin, and its provocation? How does it manifest itself, both overtly and subtly? What do the presence of hate and the absence of love indicate about a person?
    Using John’s words in verses 16-18, how would you define love? Why is Christ’s death on the cross the supreme example? How can that example help you to love difficult people?

The Details:

What?  Tim Keller  1John  Holiness and Love
When?  Tuesdays!  April 7th-May 19t​h    9AM – 11Am
Where?  Christ Community Church
How much?  $5 covers study materials
Childcare?  Yes   with RSVP
RSVP?  Please, to

When you sign up, we will send the study materials for our first study.   Please feel free to invite friends.

In Jesus,
Lauren, Susan, Amber, and Sharon​


Christ Community is seeking to hire an office assistant!

While it is great news that our Office Assistant Lynn Pattishall is able to resume her nursing career, we are sad to see her go.  Lynn has been an asset over the past 2 years helping and assisted our staff and ministry leaders in the church office with excellence.  We are currently seeking a qualified replacement and ask for help in getting the word out about this opening.  See the Job Posting for Office Assistant November – 2014 for required qualifications.