Want to know more about Missions at CCC? Where Togo is? During Sunday School this week at 9:00 AM, you can learn all this and more through presentations and a question and answer session with Frank Stankunas, Julie Stout, and visiting missionaries Marcus and Heather Rudd.

Frank Stankunas (left) has served on short-term, construction oriented mission trips to Mexico and Africa and will soon be leading a crew to build several churches in Togo, Africa. Anyone who has heard Frank speak knows what a treat it is! He is passionate and hilarious, and his heart for helping and serving know no bounds.

Julie Stout (right) will be serving through our denomination’s mission organization, Missions to the World. She’s headed to Sofia, Bulgaria (http://www.mtwbg.com/), where she will work to help women who are trapped in the sex trafficking industry. She will be the first and only Christian counselor in Sofia.

Marcus and Heather Rudd (bottom) will be serving in Reynosa, Mexico with  Mission to the World. They are involved in Isaiah 55 Ministries (http://www.isaiah55.org/), which works with at risk youth and education of the deaf. Christ Community has sent a short-term team to work with Isaiah 55 in the past.

Please plan to join us for this unique opportunity to learn about missions and important work going around the world.


On December 15th our Senior Pastor Position was posted on the CCC website, the PCA stated clerk and we have since listed the position on seminary job boards as well.  We are continuing to network with friends of CCC and others in our denomination to seek candidates.  We are very encouraged and excited that in the past 3 weeks we have received many applicants from around the country that are strong men of God with diverse experience, education, and gifting.  God is providing for CCC.  The process of accepting candidates just began 3 weeks ago and we expect that over the next month there will be many more candidates.  The PNC has started the process of reviewing candidates and will continue reviewing them over the next several weeks.

Please continue your prayers for the PNC, this process and our church.  Specifically we ask you to pray for wisdom, discernment and unity for the PNC.  Also please be in prayer for the man God has called to be our next Senior Pastor and his family.  Specifically for wisdom for them and that God would prepare them to serve CCC.

If you have any questions about the search process please don’t hesitate to ask any member of the PNC.  We hope you are as excited and encouraged as we are and know that God has great things planned for our future.

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Christ Community is seeking to hire an office assistant!

While it is great news that our Office Assistant Lynn Pattishall is able to resume her nursing career, we are sad to see her go.  Lynn has been an asset over the past 2 years helping and assisted our staff and ministry leaders in the church office with excellence.  We are currently seeking a qualified replacement and ask for help in getting the word out about this opening.  See the Job Posting for Office Assistant November – 2014 for required qualifications.


The Connors, our missionaries to India, are coming home by the second week of December. They will be in Gainesville for approximately 7 months before returning to India. Praise report: God has graciously provided them a home to live in during their stay here, but they still need some furnishings for this home. Some of these items are:

  1. A set of bunk beds or a full size bed
  2. 2 or 3 end tables
  3. A couch
  4. 2 living room chairs
  5. Dishes for 10 or 12 settings
  6. Other (If you have an specific items to donate, please let us know.)

If you can help with any of these items or have questions please call Beverly or Doug Robinson (352) 327-7511.

Let’s support our missionaries!



CCC Local Missions Weekend!

The Missions Team invites you to our Local Missions Weekend November 7-9th!


We are very excited for this special time of fellowship, learning and service. It all begins with our annual chili and pie contest Friday at 5:45 PM. After the trophy for tastiest chili and the blue ribbon for yummiest pie have been awarded, we’ll enjoy a 7:00 mission program led by John Sittema and CCC’s Chris Hiatt!

Sign up to bring chili, pie, or other items here: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0a4eaaa72ba6f58-cccchili

Childcare & missions-focused activities for children will be available during the missions program. Please RSVP to kids@christcommunitychurch.com.


Our Local Missions Weekend continues with a Get Out and Serve morning! Sign up this Sunday in church or by email to service@christcommunitychurch.comIt is very helpful if we have RSVPs for the work day!

We’ll enjoy a quick prayer and light breakfast at 7:45 AM and head out to do work projects promptly at 8:00 AM. Potential projects in service to A. Quinn Jones School, Christians Concerned for the Community, and the Women’s Resource Center. Our projects should wrap up no later than lunchtime.


The Local Missions Weekend will conclude with a morning of education and fellowship. Our 9:00 AM Panel will take place in the Sunday School room, and we’ll hear from:

  • A.Q. Jones School – Sue Keller, Principal
  • Christians Concerned for Community – Ericson Frank, Executive Director
  • Lancaster Correctional Institution (Gilchrist County), Ty Keys, Senior Chaplain
  • Women’s Resource Center, Tania Studstill, Executive Director

John Sittema will preach during the worship service with a special missions offering that will help our missions partners here in Gainesville to meet their specific needs throughout the next year.

Finally, we will enjoy sweet fellowship and informally reflect on our experience with lunch on the church grounds following worship.

We cannot wait for this opportunity to learn, grow, and serve with our church family and community! Please take a moment to sign up for the Friday night’s food list, RSVP for Friday night’s childcare, sign up to Get Out and Serve on Saturday morning, and prayerfully consider the special missions offering on Sunday.