Want to know more about Missions at CCC? Where Togo is? During Sunday School this week at 9:00 AM, you can learn all this and more through presentations and a question and answer session with Frank Stankunas, Julie Stout, and visiting missionaries Marcus and Heather Rudd.

Frank Stankunas (left) has served on short-term, construction oriented mission trips to Mexico and Africa and will soon be leading a crew to build several churches in Togo, Africa. Anyone who has heard Frank speak knows what a treat it is! He is passionate and hilarious, and his heart for helping and serving know no bounds.

Julie Stout (right) will be serving through our denomination’s mission organization, Missions to the World. She’s headed to Sofia, Bulgaria (http://www.mtwbg.com/), where she will work to help women who are trapped in the sex trafficking industry. She will be the first and only Christian counselor in Sofia.

Marcus and Heather Rudd (bottom) will be serving in Reynosa, Mexico with  Mission to the World. They are involved in Isaiah 55 Ministries (http://www.isaiah55.org/), which works with at risk youth and education of the deaf. Christ Community has sent a short-term team to work with Isaiah 55 in the past.

Please plan to join us for this unique opportunity to learn about missions and important work going around the world.


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About The Author

Christopher Hiatt