Reading Acts Together

Chapter 8, verses 4 through 40

Tim Keller on what we can learn about evangelism from the account of Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch (8:26-40)

First, God guides us into “divine appointments” (v.26). We need to look around us, for the people God brings into our paths are people we are to share our faith with. Second, we must not be put off from talking to someone who is extremely different from us. Obviously, an African official was very different than a Jewish commoner! Yet God can use us in the lives of people who are utterly different. Third, we must not be prejudiced. Isn’t it amazing that one of the first conversion stories we have in Acts is the story of a Jew leading a black man to Christ? In Christ, these divisions dissolve. Philip did not let prejudice keep him from being a warm, respectful witness. Fourth, Philip started by asking a question. Instead of giving a “canned” presentation, he discovered what was on the eunuch’s mind and heart. Philip essentially asked him “what is your point of interest and need right now? What is your main question?” Philip did not answer questions that the eunuch was not asking! He made sure to present the gospel as an answer to the particular concerns of this man. Fifth, Philip evangelized through a small group Bible study! So often, this works well. It is natural, it gives the Christian the “backing” of the Bible’s authority, so it is clear that the gospel is not just something you have made up. Often this is one of the best ways to share your faith–to have both Christians and non-Christians discussing a passage of the Bible. Sixth, Philip did not just talk in general terms, but he helped the eunuch to the 

point of decision. The only reason the eunuch would have asked for baptism (v.36), is if Philip had been explaining it to him. We must encourage people to a point of decision. (Keep in mind that Philip was a public speaker (8:4), and not everyone can do that. But here we see Philip evangelizing in a way we all can do.) 


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About The Author

Rob Pendley