
1.). All middle school and high school youth are invited to come to the youth lock-in tomorrow night, May 16th! We will be having a night full of games, watching Frozen on the big screen, food, fun, and friends as we spend the night in the church main building. The lock-in starts at 8 pm and will end at 8 am on Saturday, May 17th. Parents, please check-in your youth, or youth you are bringing, at the Sign-In table that will be just inside the main foyer. Youth are encouraged to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, and lots of energy!

2,) Also on Saturday, CCC is also having another Get Out-N-Serve day. As a youth group, we are signed up to help with redistributing the mulch on the playground to other areas around the church. We encourage the youth to stick around after the lock-in to help serve the church in this way. With a lot of help, the playground project should be done by 9:30.

3.) Lastly, on Sunday, June 8th we will be having a Class of 2014 Graduate Reception to honor our 2014 High School graduates at 12 pm, following the Sunday morning service. If you would like your graduate to be recognized at this reception or
If you have more questions about either of these events, please email cccyouth.gnv@gmail.com.


If you made it out to the adult ed class yesterday, you might have heard Rob mention our summer reading plan. This is a simple suggestion of how to spend deliberate time in the Bible this summer. Quarter sheets with the the suggested readings are available in the foyer. If it’s part of your daily routine already, the suggested readings are divided up into morning and evening Psalms. If it isn’t a part of your day, then the readings are an excellent way to start. Pick one from each day and read it before bed, or get up five minutes early and read the morning Psalm. Give it a try and let me know how it goes. If the plan is helpful to you, or if it could be better, we would love to hear from you.

The plan started yesterday and will continue through August 10. We pulled the readings from the ESV “Daily Office Lectionary”. You can access the daily office online as well by heading over to Crossway’s site. They even have an iCal option that will push to your calendar. Check it out here. Note that if you use the online tool, you’ll be presented with the full readings for the day. We are just working through the Psalms together.

We will also be using the lectionary in our corporate worship this summer, drawing from the Psalm designated for each Sunday and exploring it somewhere in our liturgy. Yesterday, we sang “The King of Love My Shepherd Is”, based on Psalm 23.


Registration is now closed for VBS 2014. We are looking forward to great week!

VBS 2014 Form Header


Hey Friends,

I want you to know of several new things that kick off tomorrow during our Summer Schedule:
1.) Classes for all ages are at 9am & our one worship service is at 10am and will have childcare for pre-school and younger.

2.) I’m excited to lead the adult class in “A Taste of Secret-Church”.
We’ll begin with a great section on the Scriptures and how to study them. In weeks to come we’ll look at Angels, Demons & Spiritual Warfare; Exploring the Holy Spirit; Cross and every day life.

3.) Our service has a time carved out to  pass the peace to one another. This is so not a “turn and greet your neighbor” space. It is a liturgical hiving off when we remember and intentionally dwell upon what Jesus both established and longs for:

“I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.” (John 17)

And a truth Bonhoeffer summed up:
“Our community with one another consists solely in what Christ has done to both of us.”

It is a time for you and your children to go and say to someone they know or don’t know, “May Christ’s be with you.” or something similar. Or some of you will choose to remain seated and join Jesus in praying for the “one holy catholic and apostolic church”. See how God uses it–corporately an individually–during this Summer Schedule.

So with that I will peace out and see you at 9am for class and 10:00 for worship.  –Rob



This past Sunday was our last Sunday night youth group of the Spring. We had a great time playing games, hanging out with one another, worshiping together, and hearing from God’s Word. We finished up our study on the book of James by hearing about how important prayer is in our lives. We have had a great Spring and are looking forward to the events that we have planned this summer!

This week:
Youth Sunday School – MS and HS students will have Sunday School in the youth room at 9 am led by Kim Pendley.
Please Note: This Sunday, May 11th starts the Summer Schedule with Education classes at 9 am followed by one worship service at 10 am.

Upcoming Events:
Youth Lock-In – The youth will be having a lock-in in the main church building on Friday, May 16th at 8 pm until Saturday, May 17th at 8 am. We will be playing games, eating food, watching the movie Frozen, and having lots of fun together!
Sunday School – While Sunday night youth group is finished, we will still be having Sunday School on Sunday mornings at 9 am in the youth room through June 29th.

We look forward to seeing the youth at Sunday School this week and at the lock-in next week! For more information on any of these events, please email cccyouth.gnv@gmail.com.