On April 11th and 12th Children’s Ministry hosted a parenting conference based on the book Spiritual Parenting by Michelle Anthony. We used her DVD conference series as the basis for the two day conference and had a wonderful crowd. Because of the amount of time we structured at the conference in April there were portions of the series that we were unable to get to. Also for families who were unable to come we are offering Spiritual Parenting as a Sunday morning Adult Education course in June, at 9am.

June 8: There will be a review of what spiritual parenting is and watch a portion of the introduction so anyone who missed the conference is able to feel comfortable in the class. Discussion will also include; making a “mission statement” for your family, parenting with Grace.

June 15th: Creating the Environment of SERVICE conference session and discussion. *This portion was not covered during the conference.

June 22nd: Creating the Environment of OUT OF THE COMFORT ZONE conference session and discussion. *This portion was not covered during the conference.

June 29th: During this  session we will cover from the book;

  • Love and Respect:  As aptly explained in 1 Corinthians 13, faith without love is empty.  This environment of love and grace enables kids to receive and give grace.  Children must be respected because they are made in the image of God.
  • Knowing: It is critical that our kids know and our known by God.  It is important that, in this world which denies the existence of absolute truth that we model our belief in God’s truth.
  • Modeling: Kids learn what they see.  We must model an active and transforming faith for our kids.

If you attended the conference in April, you already have a binder that was prepared for you with all of the sessions, there is no need for you to register for this class. If you were not at the conference and would like a binder with the class materials please contact Harmony (kids@christcommunitychurch.com) to register and have a binder prepared for you. The cost is $6 per binder of materials.



A couple of months ago there was a great moment when a father delighted in his son. Yannick Noah (a former tennis professional) was watching his son Joakim play basketball. Despite being interviewed on national television, this dad had to celebrate the son he loves.

watch the Yannick Noah Interview

You cannot honor God if you do not worship Jesus.  –Sam Allberry

No one who denies the Son has the Father, whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.  –1 John 2:23


Worship Guide for Children
We are pleased to present a new tool for helping children participate in our weekly worship services. Our new Worship Guide is a simple worksheet that asks children to respond to what is happening in the worship service. We are excited about this new tool for several reasons, but most importantly we believe that God desires the worship of children as well as adults and we hope this will help children to more fully engage with what is happening in the worship service.

You will be able to find printed copies of the new Worship Guides each Sunday at the Children’s Welcome Station or at the Resource Desk in the Foyer. You can also view a printable pdf version of the document here: Worship Guide for Children. The guide is designed primarily for children who can read and write, but there is a space on the back for children to draw a picture of something from the sermon that can be used by children of any age.Worship Guide for Children2

Our pastor, Rob Pendley, and our Worship Director, Chris Hiatt, will be visiting with our 2nd-5th graders this Sunday, May 25 during the 9 am Education hour to share with them why our worship services are constructed they way they are and how children are a part of the worshiping body of believers, as well as to introduce the new Guide to the children. We encourage children this age to be here this Sunday to hear this important presentation and be able to ask Pastor Rob and Chris any questions they might have.

And finally, Rob and Chris and our Session of Elders are excited to hear about what your child might be learning during our worship services. We want to encourage children to share their thoughts from the Guide or their drawings with Rob, any of the worship leaders, or members of the Session.



Each August for the last few years, I have had the opportunity to attend the Global Leadership Summit. The teaching at The Summit is challenging, convicting, and encouraging. I have come to personally value these two days as a time to learn, reflect, and pray toward Christ-centered leadership in every aspect of life. I have also been witness to other leaders experiencing a renewed senses of calling and a multiplying of God-honoring goals that are unattainable without Christ’s power and grace.

The Leadership Summit was an incredible time of refreshing and inspiration. I left the event energized and eager to make some changes in my leadership approach, both in self leading and within my teams. Times like these are rare and absolutely indispensable for the long-term health of ministry

–Chris Hiatt

The Summit, set for August 14-15, 2014, is simulcast to an international audience and boasts speakers with incredible credentials who will teach on the topic “Lead Well”. We will have the privilege of attending this event together at the Family Church just down the street from CCC. Preview details at willowcreek.com

Please talk it over (today!) with the folks that would be impacted by your absence and pray about devoting time to attend with me and your fellow leaders this August. If you are in, and I hope you are, email Leslie at lmarshall at christcommunitychurch dot com by Tomorrow at noon to reserve a spot with our group at a cost of $149 (this super early discount rate ends after Tuesday May 20). I highly recommend that you attend The Summit if you can, with great hope that your sacrifice to register and plan for time away from your regular commitments will be rewarding.




Get Out-n-Serve Projects happened at our building and at AQ Jones

Below, a prayer, in preparation for our gathering tomorrow:
9:00am classes for all ages
10:00 worship service

BE present, O merciful God, and protect us through the silent hours of this night, so that we who are wearied by the changes and chances of this fleeting world, may repose upon thy eternal changelessness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen