Norman Wirzba

Norman Wirzba, author of Food and Faith: A Theology of Eating, will be speaking at the University of Florida this week as a guest of the Christian Study Center. Wirzba’s book is the focus of one of Christ Community’s current adult education classes – Eating as Prayer. Details:

“Theological Reflection on Justice and the Land”
Norman Wirzba, Professor of Theology and Ecology, Duke Divinity School
This week – Thursday, September 19
UF – Little Hall, Room 101 @ 5:15 pm

This event is free and open to the public and is part of the series co-sponsored by the the Christian Study Center of Gainesvillle and the UF Department of Religion entitled, “Seeing Justice, Seeking Justice.”  In preparation for his visit, please enjoy an interview with Dr. Wirzba regarding food and faith, courtesy of Mars Hill Audio.

For more, see


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