Theme: God Wants to Call Many People into His Family

God called Abram to move all the way across his world! Have you ever moved? God wanted Abram to trust him, and come to a land just for God’s people. Abraham believed God, and God gave him what he promised. Even more — he said, “I’ll give you more children to share this land than you can count, more than the stars.” Look at the stars; how many are there? Well, the New Testament tells us that ultimately this promise is fulfilled in Jesus. He will come back some day to the world God has promised him, and all those who believe in him will live in a new creation. Can you imagine what perfect a world would look like? Would you be willing to move to live in it, like Abraham did? Thank God for his wonderful invitation to live in the new world he is going to bring when Jesus comes back, and thank him that he wants billions and billions of people to be there with us!


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About The Author

Rob Pendley