Okay, Parents…It is that time of year again…we are putting away our beach towels and dusting off those backpacks for the start of another school year. This means it is also time for our Children’s Ministry Sunday School Kick‐Off! On Sunday, August 21 the children will move up to new classes. Please see the Age Group Descriptions to see which class your child will be in.

During the first twenty minutes of the Sunday School hour we will have an assembly to give you an opportunity to meet your child’s Sunday School teacher for the coming year and for make a few announcements pertaining to the coming year. Please drop off any babies or toddlers in their respective classes and bring all other children with you to the Sanctuary at 10:00 am. We will introduce the Sunday School teachers and dismiss the children to go with their teacher to class. After that we will have a brief parent meeting. At the conclusion of this meeting you will be dismissed to either join one of the Adult Sunday School classes in progress or spend time in fellowship in the foyer. We will both be there and available to answer questions you might have.

August 21 will also be the start of our new check‐in/check‐out procedures for the children in our Nursery, Toddler and Preschool Rooms. Please see the Check-In and Check-Out Procedures and make note that the biggest change is that you will pick up your child’s name tag and your parent security tag at the Welcome Station when you pick up your pager. We hope this change will streamline the check-in/check‐out process for everyone involved.

We are looking forward to another great year in Children’s Ministry!


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About The Author

Harmony Smith