Coming soon to CCC…

Journey to the Lamppost: A Narnia Adventure

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All children ages 3* to rising 5th graders are invited on our journey into Narnia! Join us as we play games, sing songs, create art, serve others and learn about Jesus and his amazing life.

*3 year olds require a parent or guardian to stay on property.

For more information or to register visit our VBS page on the church website.

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Hello, church family!  VBS is coming soon!  If you wish to register your children, please click here (or on the graphic above).

If you don’t have a child participating in VBS we still need you!  As part of our service projects for the week there will be several items that we will need donated.  Check the foyer on Sunday, June 24 for a list of the items we will need and how you can help.

And, as always, we covet your prayers for our teachers and for the children who will attend!

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