Monday Isaiah 40:9-11
Theme: The Lord Himself Will Come with Power

Did you ever try to talk about happy things when people around you are sad or grumpy? That’s what happened to Isaiah. Things were looking very bad for the people of Judah; they were go- ing to be carried away from their homes by their enemies to live in another land. This made them very sad. But at this low point, Isaiah told them “glad tidings.” He said, “shout from the mountaintops that God is going to gather all his people together someday. He is going to be our shepherd, come to us, and gather us into his arms.” This tells us that when Jesus came, he came to draw us close to his heart, to care for us and take care of us forever. Thank God for sending Jesus as our good shepherd, and for all the ways he takes care of you.

Lord Jesus, help me to believe in your Kingdom, where healing and freedom are a reality. Let me not succumb to cynicism, and give me a sense of hope in what you can do in my life and the world.

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