Youth Jump Start Retreat
The youth team are planning for the Jump Start Retreat August 24-25th. We will be going to Lake Swan Camp. We feel that this event is very important, because it is one that will provide an opportunity to create community among the youth while also preparing their hearts to be Christ focused as the start out the school year. We will be having organized talks from youth leaders who will be encouraging the youth in light of the gospel followed by break-out discussion periods where the students will be able to process though the information that is being taught. We will also be centering a bit of our time together around community and fellowshipping with each other. The facility provides many amenities that will aid in this including volleyball and basketball courts, swimming, canoes and more. We are really looking forward to and are encouraged by what this event will bring, and we would love your child to be a part of it!

So the details are as follows:
Where: Lake Swan Camp, Melrose FL
Who: All youth 6th-12th grade
How Much: $50.00
When: We will be meeting at the church at 7:00am on August 24th and returning no later than 4:00pm on August 25 (we will be calling you when we are about 30mins away on our return to give you a more accurate time.)
We know this is soon, but the deadline to sign up is this Friday, August 9th by 3:00 pm, due to booking deadlines for the camp.
Feel free to contact us with any concerns or questions you may have:
Tori Jacob –
Victoria.e.jacob AT gmail DOT com
Angela White –
acwhite1623 AT gmail DOT com

In Him,
The Youth Team
(Tori Jacob, Angela White, Anthony DeAugustino, Joey Roberts, Steven Eicholtz & Bethany Norman)


Keep your eyes and ears open for ways to serve our community at A Quinn Jones school. Some folks from Christ Community are putting on a lunch for the faculty on Tuesday August 13.

Here is a post from February:
Women’s Ministry Outreach Update
The women’s ministry at CCC is hard at work ramping up their commitment to A. Quinn Jones School by providing unique fellowship opportunities for women in the church. This Sunday, all women are warmly welcomed to attend a cooking fellowship … Continue reading →


Sunday we will share in Holy Communion. This old hymn points us to Christ, our hope.

1. Poor sinner, dejected with fear,
Unbosom thy mind to the Lamb;
No wrath on His brow He does wear,
Nor will He poor mourners condemn;
His arm of omnipotent grace
Is able and willing to save;
A sweet and a permanent peace
He’ll freely and faithfully give.

2. Come just as thou art, with thy woe,
Fall down at the feet of the Lamb;
He will not, He cannot say, “Go”,
But surely will take out thy stain
A fountain is opened for sin,
And thousands its virtues have proved
He’ll take thee, and plunge thee therein,
And wash thee from filth in His blood.

3. The soul that on Jesus relies,
He’ll never, no never deceive;
He freely and faithfully gives
More blessings than we can conceive;
Yea, down to old age He will keep,
Nor will He forsake us at last;
He knows and is known by His sheep;
They’re His, and He will hold them fast.

©2001 MPJ Music / Velveteen Songs.


Silas Samuel West was born to Zach and Sarah West yesterday afternoon at 1:31 weighing in at 7lbs 8oz.
Silas is welcomed by big brother Elijah.

Please pray for Silas, who aspirated meconium, probably during labor sometime, and had to be transferred to the NICU at shands hospital. He is currently sedated and intubated while he processes the meconium, which could take a week or could lead to complications that would mean more intervention and time in the ICU. He is perfectly healthy apart from the serious lung problem.

Unnumbered comforts to my soul
Thy tender care bestowed,
Before my infant heart conceived
From whom those comforts flowed.


Sunday the passage in Philippians 3 pointed us to the reality that our dying to ourselves creates life for others. This article by Dane Ortlund captures well the way that this can look in our relationship with others.

All day long, words are flowing out of us. Passing another and saying hello in the hallway at work, chatting over lunch, greeting our spouse at the end of the day, tucking a child in with a good night story, speaking with a salesperson at Best Buy, talking on the phone while driving. We also use words without employing the larynx: emails, tweets, Facebook comments, handwritten notes stuck on the fridge. Even in this article I am using words: Are they bringing life?

In the hurricane of words that make up any given day, how do we walk in wisdom such that our words inject sanity, calm, and life rather than destruction? In two ways.

First, by saying nothing.

Second, by saying something.

Read the whole thing.