Advent is a time of expectant waiting as we commemorate God’s moving into the neighborhood, so to speak, in the birth of Christ. His coming signals the rescue from our fallen state, the restoration of our humanity, and hope for the Shalom of Creation. For Christians, this can be a meaningful time of intentional and prolonged reflection on this unthinkable event of incarnation. The Opus Project on Faith, Work, and Culture offers the following list of resources to nurture reflection during this time of longing and hope.
For purchase:
- God With Us: Rediscovering the Meaning of Christmas ($24) [click here]
editors: Greg Wolfe and Greg Pennoyer, various contributors including Eugene Peterson
FREE: Introduction by Eugene Peterson [click here]
- Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas ($14) [click here]
various contributors across centuries including C.S. Lewis, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Kathleen Norris, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, Annie Dillard, and more
- God is in the Manger: Reflections on Advent and Christmas ($9)
by Dietrich Bonhoeffer [click here]
- Daily Dig from Plough Publishing (daily email excerpts from Watch for the Light, listed above) [click here]
- Weekly Advent email from Theological Horizons: “Advent with Bonhoeffer”
info: [click here] sign-up: [click here ]
- 843 Acres/The Park Forum (affiliated with Redeemer NYC) [click here]
- Pray as you Go (daily 10 minute audio devotional) [click here]
**Specifically for families:
- “The Christmas Journey” (from The Austin Stone Community Church)
Easily reads with the Jesus Storybook Bible [click here]
- Printable guide for the Jesus Storybook Bible [click here]
Submitted by Todd Best
Christy Penman (née Johns) in 2012
7PM Tonight!
Trees are prepped and ready for lights and decorating. Garland, wreaths, greenery, bows ready to be embellished and hung. Poinsettias delivered. It’s beginning to smell and look like Christmas! Please join us for this time of making our facility beautiful for Advent. Apple cider, sweet treats and Christmas music will accompany us! All are welcome.

Almighty and gracious Father,
we give you thanks
for the fruits of the earth in their season
and for the labors of those who harvest them.
Make us, we pray,
faithful stewards of your great bounty,
for the provision of our necessities
and the relief of all who are in need,
to the glory of your Name;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with
you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
I’m glad to announce that Steven Eicholtz is now coordinating the youth ministry on a part-time basis. Steven is marrying Bethany Norman on December 28. Both have been serving our students all semester. Read Steven’s encouraging testimony.
Youth Christmas Event | Sunday December 8 | 5:00pm
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