


As we do gospel mission in Gainesville this week, one of our own–Julie Stout–is doing the same in Bulgaria.  Here’s her latest:

Dear praying partners,

Today our week-long English Camp begins and we are trusting God to use it to further His Kingdom in the hearts of Bulgarians and Americans!

As part of the culmination of our summer internship, The Well, American and Bulgarian interns have invited Bulgarians to come – young people whom they have met over the summer in weekly English Clubs and impromptu get-togethers – seeking to cultivate relationships toward a relationship with Christ.  In previous summers we did English Hikes through the beautiful mountain of Bulgaria.  This summer we’re doing a camp which stays in one place and can incorporate more people.   Partnering with us to help with the camp, two US churches (one from Texas and another from South Carolina) sent teams who are also working alongside of our team members and interns.  They left this morning for the mountain lodge!  Will you please pray?!

1)    For hearts of young Bulgarians to be turned toward Christ

2)    That the Well Interns will grow in greater delight of Christ and trust of Him as they use their lives to serve

3)    For the logistics and planning to unfold in a way that creates a rich context for both learning the English language and for relationships to grow

4)    For the US teams helping to work well and have a great time with Bulgarians

5)    For team members carrying out the leadership of the camp.

Will you pray for us through this week?  Thanks so much for Walking on Your Knees with us!    MTW Bulgaria – Team Leader

follow her trip here


Loads of youth, kiddos, and parents made 1st day great. If you missed it, get in there tomorrow @ 9am!





Royalty in our midst



Acts 20:24 But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.