Tomorrow–and every 1st Thursday of the month–the men of Christ Community are invited to share a meal together at Cracker Barrel.
Reading Acts Together
Chapter 8, verses 4 through 40
Tim Keller on what we can learn about evangelism from the account of Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch (8:26-40)
First, God guides us into “divine appointments” (v.26). We need to look around us, for the people God brings into our paths are people we are to share our faith with. Second, we must not be put off from talking to someone who is extremely different from us. Obviously, an African official was very different than a Jewish commoner! Yet God can use us in the lives of people who are utterly different. Third, we must not be prejudiced. Isn’t it amazing that one of the first conversion stories we have in Acts is the story of a Jew leading a black man to Christ? In Christ, these divisions dissolve. Philip did not let prejudice keep him from being a warm, respectful witness. Fourth, Philip started by asking a question. Instead of giving a “canned” presentation, he discovered what was on the eunuch’s mind and heart. Philip essentially asked him “what is your point of interest and need right now? What is your main question?” Philip did not answer questions that the eunuch was not asking! He made sure to present the gospel as an answer to the particular concerns of this man. Fifth, Philip evangelized through a small group Bible study! So often, this works well. It is natural, it gives the Christian the “backing” of the Bible’s authority, so it is clear that the gospel is not just something you have made up. Often this is one of the best ways to share your faith–to have both Christians and non-Christians discussing a passage of the Bible. Sixth, Philip did not just talk in general terms, but he helped the eunuch to the
point of decision. The only reason the eunuch would have asked for baptism (v.36), is if Philip had been explaining it to him. We must encourage people to a point of decision. (Keep in mind that Philip was a public speaker (8:4), and not everyone can do that. But here we see Philip evangelizing in a way we all can do.)
We’re reading Acts together. Hopefully this is not a news flash to you.
This week:
Mon Oct 29 Acts 7:1-53
Tues Oct 30 Acts 7:54-8:3 + catchup
Wednesday Oct 31 Acts 8:4-40
Thursday Nov 1 Acts 9
Friday Nov 2 Acts 10
Sat Nov 3 Catchup/reflect/review
Acts 7:1-53
Stephen’s mind had evidently soaked up the Old Testament, for his speech is like a patchwork of allusions to it.
Stephen picked out four major epochs of Israel’s history, dominated by four major characters.
First he highlighted Abraham and the patriarchal age (7:2-8); then Joseph and the Egyptian exile (9-19);
thirdly Moses, the Exodus and the wilderness wanderings (20-44); and lastly David and Solomon, and the establishment of the monarchy (45-50). The connecting feature of these four epochs is that in none of them was God’s presence limited to any particular place. On the contrary, the God of the Old Testament was the living God, a God on the move and on the march,
who was always calling his people out to fresh adventures, and always accompanying and directing them as they went.James Boice: Stephen’s speech is a transition speech that paves the way for presenting the gospel to the Gentiles, which begins in the very next chapter of Acts.
We’re reading through Acts together. Today we’re at chapter 4. In just four short days God has reminded me; and many of you, I pray–of the glory of Jesus and the urgency with which the church is to live. Today’s reading contains a “how to” on prayer. After reading Acts chapter 4, enjoy John Stott’s comments:
Having been bold in witness, they were equally bold in prayer. Their first word was *Despotes, Sovereign Lord*, a term used of a slave owner and of a ruler of unchallengeable power. The Sanhedrin might utter warnings, threats and prohibitions, and try to silence the church, but their authority was subject to a higher authority still, and the edicts of men cannot overturn the decrees of God.
Next we observe that, before the people came to any petition, they filled their minds with thoughts of the divine sovereignty. First, he is the God of creation, who *made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and everything in them* (24). Secondly, he is the God of revelation, who *spoke by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of…David*, and in Psalm 2 (already in the first century BC recognized as Messianic) had foretold the world’s opposition to his Christ, with nations raging, peoples plotting, kings standing and rulers assembling against the Lord’s Anointed (25-26), Thirdly, he is the God of history, who had caused even his enemies (Herod and Pilate, Gentiles and Jews, united in a conspiracy against Jesus, verse 27) to do what his *power and will had decided beforehand should happen* (28). This, then, was the early church’s understanding of God, the God of creation, revelation and history, whose characteristic actions are summarised by the three verbs ‘you made’ (24), ‘you spoke’ (25) and ‘you decided’ (28).
Only now with their vision of God clarified, and themselves humbled before him, were they ready at last to pray. Luke tells us their three main requests. The first was that God would *consider their threats* (29a). It was not a prayer that their threats would fall under divine judgement, nor even that they would remain unfulfilled, so that the church would be preserved in peace and in safety, but only that God would *consider* them, would bear them in his mind. The second petition was that God would enable them his *servants* (literally ‘slaves’) to speak his Word *with great boldness* (29b), undeterred by the Councils prohibition and unafraid of their threats. The third prayer was that God would *stretch out his hand to heal*, and to perform *miraculous signs and wonders* in and *through the name of…Jesus* (30). As Alexander pointed out, ‘their demand is not now for miracles of vengeance or destruction, such as fire from heaven Lk.9:54), but for miracles of mercy’. Moreover, the word and the signs would go together, the signs and wonders confirming the word proclaimed with boldness.
In answer to their united and earnest prayers,
(i) *the place…was shaken*’ and as Chrysostom commented, ‘that made them the more unshaken’;
(ii)*they were all* again *filled with the Holy Spirit*; and
(iii), in response to their specific request (29), they *spoke the word of God boldly* (31). Nothing is said in this context of an answer to their other specific prayer, namely for miracles of healing (30), but it would probably be legitimate to see 5:12 as the answer: ‘The apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders among the people.’
This Jesus of Nazareth—the one you saw, the one you knew, the one you crucified—he is more than you know. Jesus may not be what you expected, but he is better. He may not be what you were looking for, but he is bigger. Have you ever considered that what you saw in Jesus is not what God sees in Jesus?
You thought he was a false prophet, but according to Moses, he was the Prophet.
You spoke against him, but Samuel spoke of him.
You said his father was the Devil, but he was the promised son of Abraham.
You had no ears to hear his gospel, but the Lord God said to listen to him in whatever he tells you.
You considered him a blasphemer, but he was the Holy One of Israel.
You treated him wickedly, but he was the Righteous One of God.
You gave life to a murderer and murdered the Author of Life.
You handed him over to die; God raised him up from the dead.
You denied him before Pilate; God glorified him in heaven.
The One you delivered to the Romans, God has made your Deliverer.
Have you ever heard of a man like this? Can’t you hear him calling your name? Can’t you hear him speaking to you now through his word? If you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. Now is the time to repent and believe. For the Savior you would not set free is mighty to save, even for you.
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