EicholtzS (2)My name is Steven Eicholtz and as of the middle of the summer I have been a part of the youth team and will be working with the youth for the upcoming year. Many of you might not know me well, so let me share with you a bit of my story and my desire to help out with youth. I grew up in a Christian home and went to a Christian school all the way through high school. I went to church weekly and constantly was hearing about Christ there and at school as well. I began to “know” God well, as one would “know” about a subject in school. However, I wasn’t truly living for God and seeking Him in all areas of my life. Things always seemed to come easily, so I often trusted my own abilities instead of trusting God’s sovereignty. It wasn’t until college when things didn’t come as easily that I began to learn my need to trust and rely on God in all areas of my life and to rest in His love and grace. Part of the way I have grown in this regard is through weekly teachings and community with other believers from RUF at UF.  In high school, my youth group only had a handful of kids, and I often found myself not going because other activities would come up. One thing I wish I had was a strong youth group committed to growing in faith in God through weekly teaching and community. My desire in working with the youth is to help provide and enhance the community of the youth group amongst one another and the youth leaders, and I am excited to have the opportunity to do that in the upcoming year.

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Jump Start Retreat August 24-25

Tori Jacob, part-time youth staff


This morning we had our first day of VBS at CCC. It was a blast! We entered a wardrobe, felt the chilly winter air come through the wardrobe doors, walked through a winter path past the lamppost and into Cair Paravel. We sang worship songs, we watched a Narnia movie clip, we had a knight playing the piano, we ate Turkish Delight, ran races, painted a lamppost snow globe, learned how our speech reveals our heart, and sent encouragement to Gainesville firefighters. SAM_3553

Turkish Delight

As you know our theme is based on the book by C.S. Lewis The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. We hope most of you have read it by now. We have never done a VBS based on a book before. This is new to us, and many volunteers have gotten really creative to write the curriculum, design art projects, work out games and cook up Narnian snacks. We have poured over the book and fallen even more in love with Lucy and Peter, Aslan, the Beavers, Mr. Tumnus and other creatures with noble character. We have forgiven Edmund and overlooked Susan being bossy and loved them in the end too.

It doesn’t matter if you are a child or adult these stories capture our heart, and in the clip below Sally Lloyd-Jones will tell us why these books and this author is so special.

Capturing the Heart of a Child




This coming Sunday, June 30th, Children’s Ministry will be hosting a book discussion of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. This is for children who are in the Kindergarten – 4th grade classes this summer.

If you are unable to make the discussion this week, but still want to be digging into the book as a family here is an in depth workbook that families can enjoy together.

The link is below




A reminder & update from our awesome Tuesday evening leadership team:
TheHorseAndHisBoy(1stEd).jpgWe are meeting this Tuesday June 25th at Myrna Gray’s (see directions below) from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.  We will be dining together, discussing the Chronicles of Narnia Books The Horse and His Boy and Prince Caspian. Even if you aren’t able to read/listen to them, please still join us! Also, invite other ladies. : ) Potluck dinner, if you’re able, please bring a favorite dish or an old family recipe.
3610 NW 18TH PL, GAINESVILLE, 32605
352-262-9421From Newberry Road:
Left onto NW 8th Ave.
Left onto NW43rd St.
Right onto NW 16th Blvd.
Left onto NW 35th way. This is where you will see a Willow Croft sign at the entrance. If you reach 16th Blvd. you’ve gone too far. There are gates at the entrance and they will be open until 8 P.M.
NW 35th Way turns into NW 18th place – just follow the curvy road to the end onto a street with no sidewalks. Our house has 8 columns on the front porch and the door is red and last on the right.
Park on the lawn across from the house. (The Baptist church has cleared the trees and bushes for a fence and more parking (they are growing!), so there may be a fence or you may be able to see the church where you park).From Archer Road:
Turn left or right onto SW 34th St.
Turn left onto NW16th Blvd.
Turn right onto NW 35th Way
Follow above directions

What is the meaning of the lamppost, why Journey to the Lamppost?

“When she was about seven, her best friend got lost one day. The little girl ran up and down the streets of the big town where they lived, but she couldn’t find a single landmark. She was very frightened. Finally a policemen stopped to help her. He put her in the passenger seat of his car, and they drove around until she finally saw her church. She pointed it out to the policeman, and then she told him firmly, “You could let me out now. This is my church, and I can always find my way home from here.”

And that is why I have always stayed so close to mine–because no matter how bad I am feeling, how lost or lonely or frightened, when I see the faces of the people at my church, and hear their tawny voices, I can always find my way home.”

Anne Lamott, Traveling Mercies, Some Thoughts on Faith (pg 55)