If you have been in church in the past few weeks you have heard Rob preaching about “360 Apprentice”. This year part of our vision for the church is to become apprentice’s of Christ. We are learning what that looks like, how to do it and what it means to become an actual apprentice of Christ.

In children’s ministry this year we are also taking on the concept of apprentice. In the Spring we began to focus on 2 Timothy 2:1-3. But more specifically verse 2; And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will also be able to teach others.

In this verse we see Paul saying, I am now teaching you, and you are to take it to your faithful followers so they might take it even farther on to other people. This is a structure of apprentice’s. Timothy apprenticed under Paul, and now Paul is telling him to apprentice his faithful so they might continue teaching others about Christ. This year we have set up this very system. We have many many wonderful teachers in your kids class rooms. We love them, your kids love them. If you did not get a chance to read about them the links to their biographies are at the bottom of this post. Each of our teachers has worked very hard to learn how to teach children spiritual truths in concrete, imaginative, and age appropriate ways. Because they are so good at what they do, we want to spread their knowledge about teaching kids, their wisdom from experience, and their passion for Christ into others at CCC.

We spent the Summer asking God to give us at least five apprentices’, one for each class. And guess what? I’m about to introduce you to our five apprentices’ serving under all of our Core Teachers this year. Praise God!

Tonight I want you to meet Jami Lash:

How long have you been attending CCC? I have been attending CCC since Fall of 2011.

What do you do here in Gainesville? I am a sophomore at UF studying History. I’m involved with RUF campus ministry.

What do you like to do, any hobbies? I enjoy playing volleyball, swing dancing, swimming, hanging out with friends, and meeting new people! 🙂

What is your favorite part of teaching kids? I love being in the classroom with the kids! It takes me away from the college life, and I get to enter into whats going on in their lives a little bit each Sunday morning. Clara
is great and has so many great examples to demonstrate the lesson. I really enjoy listening to all her personal examples, and being reminded of the Bible’s powerful truths!  I have just begun to get to
know her, but I can already tell she has lived quite a remarkable life for the Lord.  I am blessed to be able to come be with the 4&5th grade class on Sunday mornings!



Meet the Teachers









Hey Parents!  RUF will be hosting a Parent’s Night Out over at Faith Presbyterian this Friday night.  You can drop off your children any time between 5:45 and 8:30 pm.


Today I would like to introduce you to our Kindergarten and First grade Core Teachers. Brian and Rebecca Schackow! You can find Brian and Rebecca teaching each Sunday during the 9am service, and SHOUTING their memory verse.

Rebecca and Brian have been teaching a Sunday School class together, off and on, for the past 9 years.  From their first teaching experience in Denver, CO, they quickly realized how much they enjoyed teaching children about God.

They have been members of CCC for 8 years.

They have four children.  They love to be outside, preferably playing games and getting exercise.  They bleed orange and blue…Go Gators!  They love to grill out, cook, hang out with friends and family, and discover new things to do in Gainesville.

Teaching children brings them great joy!  They enjoy being around children of all ages.  Getting to share the love of Jesus to a child is a privilege and honor for which they are forever grateful.


As everyone knows, little people have big needs. We have compiled a list of items that are used year round, thus these items are always needing to be restocked. We have our “grocery list” of needs and would like to share them with you. So if you happen to be shopping and see a good bargain and would like to make a donation, it would be greatly appreciated. All donations can be dropped off at the Welcome Station on any given Sunday or put in the Children’s Ministry office during the week.


Baby Wipes (any brand)

Hand Sanitizer (any brand)

Clorox Wipes (any brand)



Play Dough (can be bought or homemade)


Hand soap


Paper Plates

Cotton Balls

Googly Eyes


Stamp pads (all colors)

Paper cups (small sizes)

Band Aids

We are so thankful for your continuing support of Children’s ministry. These are items that are always in need of being restocked and donations will be welcomed any time of the year. This list will be put on the Children’s section of the church website for your future referral.




Today we are introducing you to Penny Lewis. Penny is teaching the 2nd-5th graders during the 10:30am Explore hour. This Summer Harmony and I got to see her teaching all the grades at VBS and were touched by her gift to talk about big concepts in very understandable ways to so many different ages. In the weeks following VBS we both were praying about who we could ask to take the 2nd – 5th grade Explore class. After seeing her in action at VBS we both wanted Penny, but were unsure with her other commitments at CCC if that would be a possibility for her. Penny is an answer to prayers and we are so excited to add her to the Core Teachers this year. Please take some time to get to know her and her family this year as she spends time with your second, third, fourth or fifth grader.

Here is some further information about the Penny and her family:

I have been a member at CCC since shortly after my family moved to Gainesville in March 2011, and have been teaching the Bible to kids–infants through high school–for seven years.

I love teaching because it’s exciting to hear God speak through His word today and to help children learn that it is for them! It’s a privilege to help other people know God more through what He says about Himself, and it’s amazing to see children grow in their relationship with Jesus.

I’m a science nerd and I love to read…a little too much. I am pretty clumsy on land but I love to be in the water, especially to swim and water ski. I’m not afraid of heights or spiders (any more. Ask me why!) I love to eat veggies (especially on pizza) and if it weren’t for my husband, I’d still eat cookie dough for dinner. But only once or twice a week.


Meet the Teachers Christy Johns

Meet the Teachers Ashley and Adam Means