The Children’s Ministry fall offering will support The Salvation Army’s Gainesville Angel Tree program. Donations will purchase gifts for children who attend A. Quinn Jones School. The gifts from CCC will be paired with a handmade card created by our children during the Missions Conference in November.

We are excited to support this community school’s efforts to serve children and share the love of Christ at Christmas. In addition to the Children’s offering, members of Christ Community Church will have the opportunity to select an “angel” from the tree and purchase a gift for a child who attends AQJ. Please contact Stacey Davis,, with questions.
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Check out the church website for 3 issues of HomeFront, including this month’s new issue!


If you haven’t had a chance to peruse the magazine, I encourage you to do so. It has some wonderful articles and is a great resource for our CCC families. I know you’ll be checking back each month for the next new issue!

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I know that VBS was several weeks ago… if you served that week please know that you were appreciated, the amount of time it has taken to post this letter is not a reflection of how grateful we are. That being said we had an awesome VBS in Outer Space and Beyond this year. We had our largest turn out of children, a wonderful group of youth and each adult serving was an integral part of the success of the week. Thank you!

This year we had a few children who needed special attention. It can only be attributed to the working of God that each child was pared up with an adult or youth who knew exactly how to partner with that child for the week. Each and every child felt loved and cared for. God provided the exact volunteer for the exact child. I want to share the following letter with you from a parent who had two children with us this summer.

The boys had a great time at Christ Community Church’s VBS this week. I am impressed by the wonderful directors and volunteers (mostly moms) who gave their time so selflessly to love on children and show them a great time. One volunteer in particular blessed me greatly. She was K’s teacher this week. When I went to pick him up today she told me that she has a daughter like K and that she really enjoyed having him this week. She said that he is really special. I just burst into tears because it was so good to hear encouraging words and for once to not feel judged. I worry about him every time he’s under someone else’s care because all I ever seem to get are negative reports. People just don’t understand him and mistake him for a trouble maker. And often make me feel like I’m doing something wrong or it’s my fault. She had nothing but good things to say about him and understood him well. I thank God that she was his teacher this week. I was even told that usually she is not with that age group. I am so thankful that she was and that she took the time to tell me how wonderful K is. She gave me a big hug. And said he will probably be my hands on child who I am praying for constantly, but that he’s such a blessing too. I can’t tell you how good this was for me. It’s awesome when God uses the church to love on people who are hurting. He knows. So, I just want to say thank you to all the wonderful people at CCC for having my big boys this week. It was very nice to have some one on one time with my youngest. And to know that my bigs were in good hands was a relief.

VBS reaches the hearts of children throughout Alachua county every year. It also blesses parents who have come to trust the teachers, trust the curriculum chosen, feel safe with our check in-check out policies and are encouraged by the spiritual growth and friendship developed throughout the week. Thank you to everyone of you who was a part of VBS this year. It takes so many people to pull it off the ground, we appreciate each of you and know your contribution was vital to this year’s VBS. Thank You!!!wpid-20140714_091408-effects.jpg




Many of you experienced the return to school today. New teachers, new friends, for some new schools. Its a new school year and things can feel fresh and… well… new! Some children are excited for the start of a school year and some can be worried about various changes or challenges. As parents we want to help our children feel courage so they can face difficult or uncertain moments throughout the day. As Christians we want to help them understand that even when we aren’t with them, God is, and no matter what they are precious to Him.

Our family has come across a few great resources to set a rhythm to our school days. The first few weeks of school we use a liturgy or prayer of sorts that was written for the return to school. At the end of the day we have started doing an Examen for Children.

Photo: First day of (homeschool) Kindergarten!

Begin the Day: A few years ago I came across a beautiful prayer/litany that was originally written for a congregation to recite together. Our teachers recited it with their students the Sunday before school started so some of your children’s might recognize it from last school year. This morning when we said it together, I thought that I wanted to share it with you all so that if you are looking for a way to remind your children that Jesus is always with them, you can also use this together as a family. We personalize it a bit, making it applicable to our day.

God will be with you every day at school. No matter how good or bad things are going, God will be there. You can count on God’s presence.

Leader: When it’s the night before going to school, and I’m picking out my clothes and making sure I have all my school supplies…

Children: Jesus is with me.

Leader: When I’m waking up and eating a healthy breakfast to start the day…

Children: Jesus is with me.

Leader: When I’m getting on the school bus or being driven to school…

Children: Jesus is with me.

Leader: When I meet my teachers and new friends in my class…

Children: Jesus is with me.

Leader: When I’m playing with my friends at recess…

Children: Jesus is with me.

Leader: When I’m finding the right school bus to ride home…

Children: Jesus is with me.

Leader: When I’m telling my family about my day at school…

Children: Jesus is with me.

Leader: When I’m praying at night and thanking God for my family, my friends and my school…

Children: Jesus is with me.

Leader: Let’s pray together:

All: Thank you, Jesus, for always being by my side. I know that if I get nervous or afraid, you will be there with me. When I see the cross on my backpack, I will remember that you are always with me. I know that I can talk with you any time – day or night – and for that I am so thankful. I pray this all in your name. Amen

*This was written by Rev. Karin Fowler and modified by Rev. Larry Farris

End the Day: “This prayer of review is a short reflection back over the day, recalling events and taking note of your feelings. The purpose is to become more aware of the ways in which God has been present to you, the times when the Holy Spirit was drawing you towards life.” This is a great way to teach children to reflect over their day and be grateful for the ways God provided and to give them a chance to say sorry if they feel they hurt someone or were unkind. The music is very calming and the reader has a beautiful calming voice as she walks you through the reflective prayer. Below you can find the link to the Examen and the basic text that leads children through the prayer.

An Examen For Children

At the end of your day find a comfortable place and remind yourself that God is there with you. Now look back over your day, were you at home, were you at school, were you somewhere else? What made you happy today? … Whatever it is that made you feel happy today, thank God for those things now. Did anything today make you sad? Did something happen, or something that someone said or did? Did you do something that made you feel unhappy? Maybe there is something you want to say sorry for. Whatever made you feel sad or unhappy today remember that you are precious to God and that nothing ever changes that…

*There is also an Examen for youth that we alternate with. My children seem to like the music in the youth examen better. Also as you scroll down to each age specific examen you will see a link to the music that is used.



This past month we hosted two fun-filled weeks for children and youth. First our children blasted off to outer space during VBS. They spent the week learning what the Bible has to say about heaven, learning new songs, making fun crafts in the Space Lab, training in our Galactic Games, snacking on some Rocket Fuel. This year we had record attendance with over 100 children each day. Here are a couple slideshows of images from the week. The first is a longer version that we showed the space explorers on our last day of VBS and the second is the video recap we shared during our worship service after the event.

Our second event this summer was our Art Camp for girls. This summer our Art Camp was called “In & Out Cafe – Jealousy is not on the Menu”.  With our largest group to date, the 64 campers learned what the Bible teaches about jealousy, lying, quarreling, deceit, and forgiveness.  A 50’s Diner theme allowed for incredible art projects!  The group dance had us swingin’, boppin’, twistin’, and hoppin’ the week away!  It was so much fun!  Enjoy our highlight video from camp!