Sunday in our services we will partake in the sacrament of baptism. This is not a passive experience for all the dry heads! Some helpful thoughts from David Mathis of Desiring God Ministries:

Bringing to mind our baptism is a potent way of bringing ourselves back to the gospel dramatized in the baptismal waters. In calling to mind our own baptism’s. . . .  significance in pointing to what Jesus has accomplished for us, and what benefits he gives to those who believe.

Baptism can be a means of grace throughout our lives as we observe, with faith, the baptisms of others and bring to mind the riches of the reality of our identity in Christ pictured in our baptism (Romans 6:3–4; Galatians 3:27; Colossians 2:12).

So, whether in temptation or in observing someone else’s, don’t let your own baptism be a forgotten reality. There’s more grace in those waters — not in being re-baptized, but in remembering your one baptism — even as there’s an eternity of grace in our ongoing faith in Jesus and his cross.


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About The Author

Rob Pendley