A group from CCC is planning to attend the Gospel Coalition’s 2014 National Women’s Conference in Orlando June 27-29. More about the conference here. If you’ve been considering making the trip, the early bird discount (save $50) ends tonight (1/9/14 at 1:00am.) If you enter the code “payitforward” at checkout, you’ll also save an additional $25. Register online here.

Questions about the group’s plans? Please email Sharon Stankunas.

From our Women’s Ministry leaders:

One of our goals as women’s leaders of CCC is to provide opportunities for the Gospel to saturate your life. Through “seeking, sharing, and showing” grace, we hope to create environments for you know Jesus more intimately and pursue His purposes in your life. Please check out our Bible studies, social events, service projects, quarterly dinners, retreats and conferences in 2014. One awesome way for this to happen is the Gospel Coalition’s 2014 National Women’s conference in Orlando, June 27-29. The really unique and cool thing about this “women’s” conference, is that it is not all about women!!! It’s about the gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s a time to learn more of what the Scripture says to us—and to say it to each other. A time to hear from incredible teachers. A time to dig deeper into the character of God and his purposes for his people. A time to gather together and share encouragement as sisters, daughters, wives, mothers, and friends. We had such a dear time together in 2012. Here is a bit more:

“A conference for women, all about the Word! Plenary speakers will unfold the book of Nehemiah—the story of God’s people returned to a broken-down city and called to trust God’s Word at a point of great need. It’s about God redeeming a people for himself through his Son. This is our story. We’ll focus on listening to this Word…living in light of it…helping others hear it…worshiping according to it…waiting on the Spirit who inspired it…exalting Jesus at the center of it.”



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About The Author

Christopher Hiatt