Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. James 3:18

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. Jn. 14:27

For he himself (Jesus) is our peace. Eph. 2:14

Dear Lord Jesus, it’s the day on our calendars that earned its own dark branding, “9/11.” Other days, in history, stand out as graphic reminders of the pervasive brokenness of the world; but in my lifetime, no day underscores that reality more clearly than September 11, 2001.

I’ll never forget how it felt watching the twin towers of theWorldTradeCentercrumble to the earth. It was chilling, frightful, and surreal. But as I remember that day of terror and trauma, I choose, even more so, to remember you, and to fix my gaze on you, Lord Jesus.

You are the Prince of Peace—the archetypal, quintessential, irrepressible Peacemaker. You’re the one who’s come to make all things new and put all things right; to restore broken things and broken people; to bring new creation delight from old creation decay; to lift the curse on creation and pour out your love into our hearts.

Your death on the cross, to use the image in the James passage, was the ultimate “sowing of peace”. As you died, taking the judgment we deserve, you were planted as the very seed which has secured an eternal harvest of righteousness. Your death was the death of death itself; and the promise, and provision, of eternal life.

Because of you, terror is terrified. Indeed, because of you, one Day there will be no terror or tears; no more brokenness or barrenness; no more heartaches or heartburn; no more human trafficking or even human tooth decay; no more war or aggravation; no more evil or envy; no more poverty or pouting; and no more “not yet,” “not enough,” or “not now.”

Our labors in you, Lord Jesus, are not in vain. Because of you we can, and must, live as peacemakers—sowing the peace of the gospel, with the hope of a guaranteed harvest.

We praise you that your name is Redeemer, Reconciler, and Restorer. We cry loudly, “Maranatha!” Come, Lord Jesus, come! Until that Day, give us all the mercy, grace, and peace we need for this day. So very Amen we pray, with joy and hope.

–from Scotty Smith


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About The Author

Rob Pendley