interns (2)

Brittany French is an intern with Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at the University of Florida and one of our local mission partners. This Sunday we’ll pray for Brittany as she heads to Ukraine.  She shared this update with us recently:

I’m excited to tell you that the Ukraine team has asked me to help with their English Camp for the fourth time! I’m so pumped to return for an event that brings so much growth in Lviv, Ukraine’s church and university ministry.

Although this is only a short trip (June 28-July 10), I don’t want to approach it alone. I’d greatly appreciate prayers for our time with students, and that their hearts would be open to hearing and believing the Gospel.

Have questions? Email me! I always love to hear from you. [ frenchbritt AT] Want to see more about the camp? Check out their new web site!


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About The Author

Rob Pendley