Update 5/6/2013: All of the officer nominees listed below were elected by a majority vote on Sunday, May 5th! They will installed during special worship services on May 19th.

In 2012, we nominated more men for the offices of elder and deacon than ever before in our church’s history! This Sunday, we have the opportunity to vote on those who have since completed their training and have discerned a call to their respective offices.

Each candidate requires a majority “yes” vote this Sunday in order to serve the church in this role. Take a few moments to familiarize yourself with some of the men our members will find on their ballots this Sunday.

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Nate Henkel, Elder Candidate

Pictured with his wife, Melissa Henkel, and their children Caleb (4) and Jordan (2).

When did you join/start attending CCC?:

Summer of 2006 (The Oak Hall years)
What are you most passionate about?:
Being a great dad and husband.  Helping people.  Helping kids learn.  God’s church.
Fishing, hunting, camping, music, theology, reading, traveling to new places, and writing.
Involvement at CCC:
“Been a part of 3 community groups, where I have lead the current one for the past 2 years, Worked the resource desk when church building first opened (1year), been to 4 men’s conferences where I have led table discussions for 2 of them (4 years), worked in the nursery with Melissa (4 years), helped out at VBS (5 years), church workdays (2 times), pastor’s reception (2 times), served communion (various times within the past year), participated in the Foundations Class held at our church for 3 months in 2013, elder training (since the fall of 2012).”
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Deacon Candidates:

Britt Daniel

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Dan Doran

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Andres Eran

Pictured with his wife, Monica Eran, and their son Sebastian Fernando (

3 1/2). He is passionate about my family and friends. Andres works as a salesman for Wood You Furniture in Gainesville. He enjoys good stories /books, movies, etc., and his involvement to date at CCC includes: worked for the nursery, taught Sunday school with Larry Eubanks for two semesters, current communion server.

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Tony Freese

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Adam Means

Spouse:  Ashley Means

Children:  Avery (11), Ally (10), Alan (7), Ace (5).

Began attending CCC in 2003.  They moved away for 2 years 2008-2010 and have been back since 2010. The Means are most passionate about raising their family.


Works as a radiologist at Doctors Imaging Group/North Florida


All sports, Fishing, Traveling with wife and family.

Involvement at CCC:

“I taught adult Sunday school many years ago.  Ashley has been teaching the Pre K Sunday School for 2 years and I am the helper.  I serve communion.”

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Stuart Menzies

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Joe Relyea

Pictured with his wife, Lauren, and their children, Collette (5) and Arthur (3).

When did you join/start attending CCC?

Summer 2009

What are you most passionate about?
Learning to be a better leader/servant in my home.

Senior Health Information Advisor, xG Health (Advise self-funded employer groups on how to reduce medical costs and improve clinical outcomes)


Coaching T-Ball, playing basketball and soccer, gardening (interest, not ability to actually do so), Hiking/Camping

Involvement in CCC (how/where have you served the church, and for how long?):

Primarily involved in Muffins/Coffee for three years. Participated in church work days and other one off events. My family participates in a community group.

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Justin Richardson

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James Schrader

Pictured with his wife, Rachel. They started attending CCC in summer 2011.

What are you most passionate about?

I am most passionate about my work at a Forest Grove Christian Academy. I feel God has called me to work with kids encouraging them in their studies and their Christian life. I am blessed to love going to work everyday.


Principal at Forest Grove Christian Academy


I love walks with my wife, sports, Gator football, and jeeps.

Involvement in CCC (how/where have you served the church, and for how long?):

My wife and myself have taught Middle/High School Sunday School with Drew Donovan since Aug 2012.  We have also help welcome and greet since Aug 2011.

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Ken Smoot

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Ronnie Thaler

Pictured with his late wife, Margaret, and their children. Ronnie is a local dentist, practicing for more than 50 years, who is passionate about his continued study of scripture. He is interested in sports and family, and he serves regularly with Gainesville Community Ministries.


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About The Author

Christopher Hiatt