Today we are introducing you to Penny Lewis. Penny is teaching the 2nd-5th graders during the 10:30am Explore hour. This Summer Harmony and I got to see her teaching all the grades at VBS and were touched by her gift to talk about big concepts in very understandable ways to so many different ages. In the weeks following VBS we both were praying about who we could ask to take the 2nd – 5th grade Explore class. After seeing her in action at VBS we both wanted Penny, but were unsure with her other commitments at CCC if that would be a possibility for her. Penny is an answer to prayers and we are so excited to add her to the Core Teachers this year. Please take some time to get to know her and her family this year as she spends time with your second, third, fourth or fifth grader.

Here is some further information about the Penny and her family:

I have been a member at CCC since shortly after my family moved to Gainesville in March 2011, and have been teaching the Bible to kids–infants through high school–for seven years.

I love teaching because it’s exciting to hear God speak through His word today and to help children learn that it is for them! It’s a privilege to help other people know God more through what He says about Himself, and it’s amazing to see children grow in their relationship with Jesus.

I’m a science nerd and I love to read…a little too much. I am pretty clumsy on land but I love to be in the water, especially to swim and water ski. I’m not afraid of heights or spiders (any more. Ask me why!) I love to eat veggies (especially on pizza) and if it weren’t for my husband, I’d still eat cookie dough for dinner. But only once or twice a week.


Meet the Teachers Christy Johns

Meet the Teachers Ashley and Adam Means


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Children's Ministry