Dear Friends,

This morning I visited with Ronnie Thaler and his children.  They are grieving the loss of Margaret and remembering her with great joy.  They don’t seem to have very many physical needs right now.  The kitchen is filled with food and there are family members there to support them and run errands.  Right now the best service seems to be prayer for the family.

The memorial service is set for 3:00pm on Saturday February 11.  There will be a reception afterwards.  Arlene Neder, Christ Community member and longtime friend of Margaret’s, will be coordinating the reception.  You can contact Arlene if you’d like to be of assistance.

Death is always hard.  Our loss is real.  But it is not permanent.  The gospel is true and we trust that Christ has conquered the tomb.  We rejoice that Margaret is now with Christ, which is far better.  May God give us all grace to number our days, to live in love, and to trust His promises.



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About The Author

Rob Pendley