This fine group was elected at the congregational meeting Sunday to serve as the Pulpit Nominating Committee for Christ Community. Their first meeting is tonight at 7:30pm. Join me in praying for this group, for their families, and for the important work ahead. God is faithful.
- Lynn Livers
- Mike Marshall
- Harry Rushing
- Brian Schackow
- Christian Smith
- Sharon Stankunas
- Charlie Staples
Announcing Kyle Kockler as Interim Pastor
Yesterday, the session of elders announced that Kyle Kockler is serving as our interim pastor. I am personally excited to work with Kyle and look forward to getting to know him and his wife, Ginny. Please join us in welcoming them to CCC. Here is the announcement from the elders:
CCC Family,
We are excited to report that the Lord has provided once again for Christ Community. Kyle Kockler has been called and accepted our offer to be our Interim Pastor. Kyle has 12 years of experience as an ordained PCA Teaching Elder, including twice being the interim pastor at churches searching for a new senior pastor. It is clear to the elders that God has provided Kyle in our time of need and that Kyles experience will be of great benefit to CCC.
Kyle will be on staff with us on a half-time basis and his duties will include some preaching as well as assisting with many CCC ministries. Kyle will be working closely with the elders and current leaders to determine how he can best be an encouragement and help in this time of transition for our church. He started working on September 1st and has already participated in a session meeting and has met with some of our staff. Over the next few weeks he will mostly be working to better understand CCC and our ministries .
Kyle and his wife Ginny are coming to us from Faith Presbyterian, our sister PCA church in Gainesville. Kyle will not only be on staff, he and Ginny will also be joining our fellowship so please make sure we welcome them well to CCC. Kyle and Ginny already had prior commitments for the last 3 Sundays in September before accepting this position so we won’t see them on Sundays for most of September, but he will be meeting with leaders and staff during the week. We look forward to having them with us regularly on Sundays beginning October 1st.
Please join the elders in reaching out to Kyle and Ginny and welcoming them to our church family.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Your Session
Last Sunday, Julie Stout gave her testimony during our offering and shared her call to Bulgaria. Here is a nice follow-up from her with ways to get more information!

Pastor Rob Pendley prays for Julie Stout during our 8/24/14 worship service.
“Thank you Christ Community Church for allowing me to speak in church this past Sunday. For those of you who were not in church on Sunday, I am a missionary with MTW (Mission to the World) and I will be moving to Bulgaria to work with women trapped in human trafficking. I will be the first and only Christian counselor in Sofia, Bulgaria. I have attached more information about my ministry and this is the website for my team:
I would love to meet with you and discuss further how you can be a part of my ministry if you feel called. My email is: julie.stout1 @, or you can sign up here: https://donations.mtw.
I’d love to get a last opportunity to see you and watch some football. Turn up tonight at Splitz.
Texas A&M vs South Carolina begins at 6pm. Guys will be arriving throughout the evening. Come when you can, leave when you must.
Splitz is off Newberry Rd, just west of I-75
The secret to Steve Spurrier’s success, pictured with SOS below, will be joining us.
Pulpit Committee Composition
On August 24th a majority of members of the congregation of Christ Community Church (CCC) voted to have 2 elders, 1 deacon, and 4 members-at-large serve on the pulpit nominating committee. Names of individuals who are nominated and agree to serve on this committee will appear on a ballot and will be voted on during a congregational meeting on September 14th.
Note: The “Voting” section below was modified on August 29th to further clarify procedure for the September 14 meeting.
Qualifications for Pulpit Committee Members
Given the importance of the committee’s task, it is imperative that careful consideration be given to those who may potentially serve on it. A nominee must be a member of Christ Community Church who is spiritually mature and invested in the life and mission of the church though he/she doesn’t necessarily have to be a longtime member. More specifically, a nominee should display among other potential qualities, the following in his/her life:
- Prayerfulness because the task of finding and calling the right pastor is humanly impossible.
- Scripture centeredness because the church doesn’t ultimately belong to its elder, other leaders, or its members. Rather it belongs to Christ, the Head. Therefore, the most important consideration in evaluating a potential pastor is what Christ has spoken in His Word concerning His gospel, His Church and those who would serve under Him as shepherds of His flock.
- Teachability because this will be an unfamiliar process for most/all and there will be much to learn.
- Servanthood because a committee member must be more concerned about the overall good of the entire church than he/she is about his/her particular preferences.
- Peacemaking spirit because unity (though not necessarily unanimity) must be sought in the midst of the differences of opinion that will arise during the process. Note that peacemaking isn’t the avoidance of those differences or necessarily the restraint of one’s opinions. Rather it’s the commitment to work through differences in a manner that honors the Lord.
- Wisdom and discernment because among other things many factors must be weighed, preconceived notions must be challenged, and initial impressions must be scrutinized.
- Diligence because there will be a lot of follow up and follow through that must be done.
- Trustworthiness and discretion because the committee will be handling confidential information.
- Availability because the work of the committee will require a significant weekly time commitment (estimate of about 4-6 hrs/week, though the amount of time in a given week will probably fluctuate. Meetings will likely be held a minimum of twice monthly.)
The above qualifications are from the book “When the Word Leads Your Pastoral Search: Biblical Principles and Practices to Guide Your Search” by Chris Brauns. We recommend this book to anyone in the congregation interested in the upcoming search process especially those considering accepting a nomination. We anticipate that this book will be required reading for the elected committee.
Nominations can be made between August 25th and September 7th by filling out a nomination form (available at welcome desk in foyer of sanctuary, in the church office, and online here) and placing it in the nomination box in the foyer of the church, by dropping it off at the church office, or by emailing it to the church office at
Once all of the nominations are received and their eligibility has been verified, the church office will produce the ballot and mail a copy to each member household on Tuesday, September 9th, in preparation for the congregational vote on September 14th. The ballot will also be made available on the church blog.
The session strongly encourages members of CCC to consider demographics such as gender and age in their nominations. It is the desire of the session that one or more women will be elected to the committee. We also encourage the membership to consider those demographics in the process of deciding their vote. After the ballots are cast, no attempt will be made to have particular demographic groups represented on the committee. Members should consider those individuals that best meet the qualifications of nominees outlined previously. While any member of CCC is eligible (including CCC staff), we recommend nominating one member (18 years or older) per immediate family. Again, we encourage members to consider all of these demographics when casting their votes on September 14th.
Nominations can be made between August 25th and September 7th by filling out nomination form(s) and placing it in the nomination box in the foyer of the church, by dropping it off at the church office, or by emailing it to the church office at
On September 14th members will be able to cast their ballot during a congregational meeting held immediately following the worship service. Each CCC member can cast a vote for 7 individuals. Assuming that at least 2 elders and at least one deacon appear on the ballot, congregational members will be asked to vote for 2 elders, one deacon, and 4 members-at-large. Nominated individuals who are serving as elders or deacons will have their office listed next to their name.
If more than two elders appear on the ballot, then the two elders receiving the most votes will serve on the pulpit nominating committee. Likewise, if more than 1 deacon appears on the ballot, then the deacon receiving the most votes will serve in the “deacon” position on the committee. Any remaining deacons on the ballot receiving votes will be considered part of the members-at-large grouping, meaning that a deacon may be elected to the committee as a member-at-large if his vote total is among one of the top four nominees. The voting will occur in two phases: phase 1 – votes are cast for nominated officers only (2 elders and 1 deacon to be elected). Phase 2 – votes are cast for the 4 members-at-large in which elders and spouses of officers elected in phase 1 are ineligible.
The 4 members-at-large who receive the most votes from the congregation will serve on the pulpit nominating committee. The individuals who rank #5 and #6 in the congregational vote will be asked to serve as alternates. Alternates will be named to provide adequate committee members in the unlikely event a member is unable to fulfill their elected role. The elected committee will determine the extent of the role of alternates. Only one member of an immediate family can be elected and serve on the committee.
Sample Nomination Form (One form per nomination)
Nominee _________________________________________
Nominator ________________________________________
Check this box to indicate that you have spoken to the nominee and they have agreed to give of their time in service to Christ and His church in this important way if elected.
Nominations can be made between August 25th and September 7th by filling out this nomination form and placing it in the nomination box in the foyer of the church, by dropping it off at the church office, or by emailing it to the church office at
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