Sunday, August 17th, a quorum of the congregation’s members voted to release Rob Pendley to his call in Alabama.

At the meeting, the session also distributed a handout detailing the options set before the congregation in seeking a new pastor. That information is provided below. Please feel free to bring any questions or concerns to our attention. You can easily find contact information for our elders and the staff on our website. Our next congregational meeting is this Sunday, August 24th, immediately following the worship service.



20-2. Every church should be under the pastoral oversight of a minister, and when a church has no pastor it should seek to secure one without delay.

A church shall proceed to elect a pastor in the following manner:  The Session shall call a congregational meeting to elect a pulpit committee which may be composed of members from the congregation at large or the Session, as designated by the congregation (see BCO 25). The pulpit committee shall, after consultation and deliberation, recommend to the congregation a pastoral candidate who, in its judgment, fulfills the Constitutional requirements of that office (e.g., BCO 8, 13-6 and 21) and is most suited to be profitable to the spiritual interests of the congregation (cf. BCO 20-6).

The Session shall order a congregational meeting to convene at the regular place of worship. Public notice of the time, place, and purpose of this meeting shall be given at least one week prior to the time of the meeting.

In following the BCO, the congregation has two clear options for composition of a pulpit committee:

  • Members of the Congregation at Large


  • The Session

We will vote as a congregation on one of the above options next week on 8/24 in a congregational meeting immediately after the worship service.

If the congregation votes for Members of the Congregation at Large to compose the pulpit committee, the session would propose a committee of 7 members that would include 2 elders, 1 deacon and 4 members.  This structure would be voted on by the congregation. If the congregation votes for the Session to compose the pulpit committee, the session would seek input from members to ensure a minister is found that is most suited to the spiritual interest of the congregation.

Next Steps

  • 8/24 / Congregational meeting to vote on composition of the pulpit committee.
  • 8/24-9/7 / Nominations for members of the congregation at large (if that option is selected)
  • 9/14 / Election of the pulpit committee (if that option is selected)

The session has been researching and planning for the upcoming pastor search over the past month.  Based on the experiences of others who have gone through this, we expect this process to take anywhere from 9-12 months.  It could be shorter and could be longer.  Our highest goal is to find the man God has planned to lead CCC.  We intend to do this in a prayerful and faithful way that depends on the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us.

We trust that God is going to use this time together as a church family to build our sense of mission and community.  We know it is tempting to view this period in the life of our church as a trial but we truly believe God has great things planned for us in the next year in community together.

Please don’t hesitate to talk with Charlie, Larry, Mike or Nate about any questions you have. Contact info available here.


Many of you experienced the return to school today. New teachers, new friends, for some new schools. Its a new school year and things can feel fresh and… well… new! Some children are excited for the start of a school year and some can be worried about various changes or challenges. As parents we want to help our children feel courage so they can face difficult or uncertain moments throughout the day. As Christians we want to help them understand that even when we aren’t with them, God is, and no matter what they are precious to Him.

Our family has come across a few great resources to set a rhythm to our school days. The first few weeks of school we use a liturgy or prayer of sorts that was written for the return to school. At the end of the day we have started doing an Examen for Children.

Photo: First day of (homeschool) Kindergarten!

Begin the Day: A few years ago I came across a beautiful prayer/litany that was originally written for a congregation to recite together. Our teachers recited it with their students the Sunday before school started so some of your children’s might recognize it from last school year. This morning when we said it together, I thought that I wanted to share it with you all so that if you are looking for a way to remind your children that Jesus is always with them, you can also use this together as a family. We personalize it a bit, making it applicable to our day.

God will be with you every day at school. No matter how good or bad things are going, God will be there. You can count on God’s presence.

Leader: When it’s the night before going to school, and I’m picking out my clothes and making sure I have all my school supplies…

Children: Jesus is with me.

Leader: When I’m waking up and eating a healthy breakfast to start the day…

Children: Jesus is with me.

Leader: When I’m getting on the school bus or being driven to school…

Children: Jesus is with me.

Leader: When I meet my teachers and new friends in my class…

Children: Jesus is with me.

Leader: When I’m playing with my friends at recess…

Children: Jesus is with me.

Leader: When I’m finding the right school bus to ride home…

Children: Jesus is with me.

Leader: When I’m telling my family about my day at school…

Children: Jesus is with me.

Leader: When I’m praying at night and thanking God for my family, my friends and my school…

Children: Jesus is with me.

Leader: Let’s pray together:

All: Thank you, Jesus, for always being by my side. I know that if I get nervous or afraid, you will be there with me. When I see the cross on my backpack, I will remember that you are always with me. I know that I can talk with you any time – day or night – and for that I am so thankful. I pray this all in your name. Amen

*This was written by Rev. Karin Fowler and modified by Rev. Larry Farris

End the Day: “This prayer of review is a short reflection back over the day, recalling events and taking note of your feelings. The purpose is to become more aware of the ways in which God has been present to you, the times when the Holy Spirit was drawing you towards life.” This is a great way to teach children to reflect over their day and be grateful for the ways God provided and to give them a chance to say sorry if they feel they hurt someone or were unkind. The music is very calming and the reader has a beautiful calming voice as she walks you through the reflective prayer. Below you can find the link to the Examen and the basic text that leads children through the prayer.

An Examen For Children

At the end of your day find a comfortable place and remind yourself that God is there with you. Now look back over your day, were you at home, were you at school, were you somewhere else? What made you happy today? … Whatever it is that made you feel happy today, thank God for those things now. Did anything today make you sad? Did something happen, or something that someone said or did? Did you do something that made you feel unhappy? Maybe there is something you want to say sorry for. Whatever made you feel sad or unhappy today remember that you are precious to God and that nothing ever changes that…

*There is also an Examen for youth that we alternate with. My children seem to like the music in the youth examen better. Also as you scroll down to each age specific examen you will see a link to the music that is used.



A previous post wrongly stated that FPU begins tomorrow.

There is only ONE adult class at 9am tomorrow: The Pursuit of God


Tomorrow kicks off our Fall schedule:
9:00 classes
10:30 worship service

The adult classes are:
A.) Financial Peace University
B.) The Pursuit of God
Some quotes from the book:
God never hurries. There are no deadlines against which he must work. Only to know this is to quiet our spirits and relax our nerves.

Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow. So one hundred worshipers met together, each one looking away to Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could possibly be, were they to become ‘unity’ conscious and turn their eyes away from God to strive for closer fellowship.

To have found God and still to pursue Him is the soul’s paradox of love.

Let every man abide in the calling wherein he is called and his work will be as sacred as the work of the ministry. It is not what a man does that determines whether his work is sacred or secular, it is why he does it.

Let us practice the fine art of making every work a priestly ministration. Let us believe that God is in all our simple deeds and learn to find Him there.

O God, I have tasted Thy goodness, and it has both satisfied me and made me thirsty for more. I am painfully conscious of my need of further grace. I am ashamed of my lack of desire. O God, the Triune God, I want to want Thee; I long to be filled with longing; I thirst to be made more thirsty still. Show me Thy glory, I pray Thee, that so I may know Thee indeed. Begin in mercy a new work of love within me. Say to my soul, “Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.” Then give me grace to rise and follow Thee up from this.

—-A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God


My name is Stacey Greene. My husband, Zach, and I have been members of Christ Community for about 4 years. We were active at the church from 2010 to 2013 while my husband was in medical school at the University of Florida. Residency took our family to Columbia, SC for the past year. We returned to Gainesville in June for the remainder of Zach’s residency in Anesthesiology at Shands. He has three more years of training. We also now have a son, Jacob, who is almost 5 months old. I most recently enjoyed volunteering during Vacation Bible School and have loved reconnecting with families and meeting new ones! My educational background is in Industrial and Systems Engineering and Leadership Studies from Mississippi State University.

Stacey Greene GreeneJust as our personal season of transition and change is coming to an end, our church family’s season of transition and change is just beginning. When deciding to derail Zach’s professional training in switching his specialty from Orthopedic Surgery to Anesthesiology, we prayed that the Lord would make our path clear and definitive. The path was paved back to Gainesville, and the Lord provided a smooth transition. For the past 6 months, Zach and I have been praying over what our time will look like in Gainesville. There are many opportunities, small groups, Bible Studies, etc. to dive right back into, but we wanted to be discerning in what God was actually calling us to. My personal tendency is to over commit and spread myself thin, but I knew that God was asking me to pray and to take time before committing to too many “good” things. For that reason, I have been intentional with my prayers and with the people who I have consulted regarding this particular need in the church.  I am reminded of Timothy who was a young leader in the church:

“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 3:15

I am so encouraged by the church members who are willing to come along side so that this important ministry has direction and manpower this year. While I always knew that I would be once again be an active, participating church member at Christ Community, I could not have envisioned that the Lord would call me to such a formal role. The seemingly different paths God takes people down are all for His singular purpose. I feel that the Lord has placed me and my gifts in this church at this time and is asking me to use them for this specific purpose. I am excited for the plan’s God has for Christ Community during this season of transition and change. It is my prayer that the church will be refined and that God will raise up leaders. I am humbled when I acknowledge that I am one of those leaders.