At the leadership community meeting on Thursday, Paige French gave a presentation on the background and future of our relationship with the A. Quinn Jones Center. She mentioned this letter from the principal:
(To get involved with this exciting ministry, contact Paige French (pbemfrench @
Dear Christ Community Church,
The value our partnership with your church gives to us is incalculable. You provide support to many classrooms and students with your troop of volunteers, which is a tremendous help to the classroom teachers and the students. Our kids love the extra attention, and someone consistently being there for them, showing them that they care, not matter how they behave. The presence of the volunteers for the teachers is equally impactful, as we can not give as much individual attention to kids as we would like to, but with the volunteers present, that relieves that burden somewhat.
In addition to the volunteers in the classroom supporting the teachers, the teacher appreciation for our staff is awesome. Your folks always think of ways to pamper the staff, and make them feel appreciated. This is more valuable than you can imagine, because we have a population of students who don’t show much gratitude, and neither do their families. The thought and time you all put in to making the teachers feel special is amazing and so obviously full of heart, that we can’t help but walk away feeling special.
Each and every month your church family provides a meal for our SAC meetings. This helps get more families into our building to participate in their child’s education, which is a very difficult feat.
Historically, we have had very low parent turn out for any function at our school. With the support of the church, we have been able to grab a few families off of their couches, and into the school on a more regular basis, and for positive interactions. They always make more food than we could ever eat, with the purposeful intention of sending food home with our families, many of which are impoverished.
Involving the children of your church has been incredible too. They have collected money and items to provide food for our Backpack Program, and school supplies for the kids, who would otherwise not have anything new for the start of the school year. Additionally, the children often write thoughtful notes to both the children and staff, with words of encouragement and gratitude, which warm the heart with their thoughtfulness.
Your church seems to enrich every special function we have at the school, as I sit here and reflect. You participate in, and support us with our Family Days, Holiday Programs, Teacher Appreciation, SAC, classroom volunteering, Backpack Program, Campus Beautification, and I’m sure I am missing something. Your church family has become a huge part of our family, and we truly value and appreciate each and every thing you do for us and our students.  We would greatly miss your partnership with our school if you were not present, as we have all come to truly think of you guys as part of the A.Quinn Jones family.
Warmest Regards,
 Sue Keller
Principal, A. Quinn Jones Center

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Christopher Hiatt