Worship Guide for Children
We are pleased to present a new tool for helping children participate in our weekly worship services. Our new Worship Guide is a simple worksheet that asks children to respond to what is happening in the worship service. We are excited about this new tool for several reasons, but most importantly we believe that God desires the worship of children as well as adults and we hope this will help children to more fully engage with what is happening in the worship service.

You will be able to find printed copies of the new Worship Guides each Sunday at the Children’s Welcome Station or at the Resource Desk in the Foyer. You can also view a printable pdf version of the document here: Worship Guide for Children. The guide is designed primarily for children who can read and write, but there is a space on the back for children to draw a picture of something from the sermon that can be used by children of any age.Worship Guide for Children2

Our pastor, Rob Pendley, and our Worship Director, Chris Hiatt, will be visiting with our 2nd-5th graders this Sunday, May 25 during the 9 am Education hour to share with them why our worship services are constructed they way they are and how children are a part of the worshiping body of believers, as well as to introduce the new Guide to the children. We encourage children this age to be here this Sunday to hear this important presentation and be able to ask Pastor Rob and Chris any questions they might have.

And finally, Rob and Chris and our Session of Elders are excited to hear about what your child might be learning during our worship services. We want to encourage children to share their thoughts from the Guide or their drawings with Rob, any of the worship leaders, or members of the Session.


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About The Author

Harmony Smith