Sunday the passage in Philippians 3 pointed us to the reality that our dying to ourselves creates life for others. This article by Dane Ortlund captures well the way that this can look in our relationship with others.

All day long, words are flowing out of us. Passing another and saying hello in the hallway at work, chatting over lunch, greeting our spouse at the end of the day, tucking a child in with a good night story, speaking with a salesperson at Best Buy, talking on the phone while driving. We also use words without employing the larynx: emails, tweets, Facebook comments, handwritten notes stuck on the fridge. Even in this article I am using words: Are they bringing life?

In the hurricane of words that make up any given day, how do we walk in wisdom such that our words inject sanity, calm, and life rather than destruction? In two ways.

First, by saying nothing.

Second, by saying something.

Read the whole thing.


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About The Author

Rob Pendley