This coming Sunday, June 30th, Children’s Ministry will be hosting a book discussion of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. This is for children who are in the Kindergarten – 4th grade classes this summer.

If you are unable to make the discussion this week, but still want to be digging into the book as a family here is an in depth workbook that families can enjoy together.

The link is below



A reminder & update from our awesome Tuesday evening leadership team:
TheHorseAndHisBoy(1stEd).jpgWe are meeting this Tuesday June 25th at Myrna Gray’s (see directions below) from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.  We will be dining together, discussing the Chronicles of Narnia Books The Horse and His Boy and Prince Caspian. Even if you aren’t able to read/listen to them, please still join us! Also, invite other ladies. : ) Potluck dinner, if you’re able, please bring a favorite dish or an old family recipe.
3610 NW 18TH PL, GAINESVILLE, 32605
352-262-9421From Newberry Road:
Left onto NW 8th Ave.
Left onto NW43rd St.
Right onto NW 16th Blvd.
Left onto NW 35th way. This is where you will see a Willow Croft sign at the entrance. If you reach 16th Blvd. you’ve gone too far. There are gates at the entrance and they will be open until 8 P.M.
NW 35th Way turns into NW 18th place – just follow the curvy road to the end onto a street with no sidewalks. Our house has 8 columns on the front porch and the door is red and last on the right.
Park on the lawn across from the house. (The Baptist church has cleared the trees and bushes for a fence and more parking (they are growing!), so there may be a fence or you may be able to see the church where you park).From Archer Road:
Turn left or right onto SW 34th St.
Turn left onto NW16th Blvd.
Turn right onto NW 35th Way
Follow above directions

from y’day sermon:
Ira Glass interviewIra Glass Interview Clip On Christian “Pitch”
Start at 3:51 if you are in a big hurry.

This Jewish atheist is so intriguing to me. Reminds me of Woody Allen a little bit.



Though he was rich, so rich,
Yet for our sakes how poor he became!
Even his garments they parted
When he hung on the cross of shame.
All that he had he gave for me,
That I might be rich through eternity.

–E. H. Swinstead


Sunday Philippians 2 brings us to the glorious Carmen Christi, or Hymn of Christ. While studying I came across a John Milton excerpt from “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity.”

That glorious Form, that Light unsufferable,
And that far-beaming blaze of Majesty,
Wherewith he wont at Heav’n’s high Council-Table,
To sit the midst of Trinal Unity,
He laid aside; and here with us to be,
Forsook the Courts of everlasting day,
And chose with us a darksome house of mortal clay.