I know, I know. That’s every Sunday for us, Rob. True, but here’s ANOTHER great opportunity that is quite unique. Nicholas Wolterstorff is sterling. (He could’ve gotten into Mississippi State if he wanted. Probably.) Seriously, the topics he is addressing are strikingly relevant for our day and our town. Plus, they are central to the heart of God. Do make efforts to get out to hear him next week.

“When We See Justice, What do We See?  When We Seek Justice,  What Do We Seek?”
Wednesday October 17, 2012, 6:15 p.m.
Room # 170, Pugh Hall, University of Florida campus

“Why Do So Many People Think  the New Testament Is About Love and Not About Justice?”
Thursday October 18, 2012, 7:30 p.m.
Creekside Community Church, 2640 NW 39th AvenueBoth lectures presented by guest lecturer: Nicholas Wolterstorff, Noah Porter Professor of Philosophical Theology, Emeritus, Yale University,
and Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences

The Christian Study Center seeks to draw on the intellectual and cultural resources of the Christian tradition and on the scholarly resources of higher education in order to understand cultural change and to address enduring, human questions that are widely shared in the University community.

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About The Author

Rob Pendley