Have you ever tried to grow a plant without water?  Drive a car without fuel?  Or run a marathon without training?  Then you know how difficult these tasks can be without the right combination.  The same can be said for the Christian and prayer.  The practice and discipline of prayer not only gives us our proper nutrition and energy, but provides us with the necessary training to equip us for our daily race in life.  Prayer is our way to build a relationship with God.  Despite this, the practice of prayer is difficult for many Christians.  This does not have to be the case!  Prayer can be a joyful and delightful experience once we understand that we are actually communing with God himself.

Why do we pray?  Is it because we are commanded to?  Or do we use it as a way to give thanks to God?  Maybe we pray because we are uncertain about a path in life we are facing?  The truth is all of these are correct.  The Heidelberg Catechism addresses the importance of prayer.  Question 116 asks: “Why do Christians need to pray?” with the answer: “Because prayer is the most important part of the thankfulness God requires of us.  And also because God gives His grace and Holy Spirit only to those who pray continually and groan inwardly, asking God for these gifts and thanking him for them.”  It goes on in Question 118 to ask: “What did God command us to pray for?” with the answer: “Everything we need, spiritually and physically, as embraced in the prayer Christ our Lord Himself taught us.”

Although many books, articles, and studies are available on prayer, the bible itself is a rich resource for our prayer lives.  This Fall the Tuesday evening women’s bible study will be meeting every other Tuesday night from 7-9 to explore what the scriptures teach us about prayer.  There are countless examples of prayers in both the Old and New testaments as well as the greatest example of prayer from Christ our Lord.  Please join us to explore this further as we will discuss some very important topics about prayer in addition to spending time in prayer so that God will be glorified!  More details and locations can be found on the CCC website.


Tuesday Evening Study Every-other Tuesday Evening, September 11th – December 11 7:00-9:00PM
Exploring what Scripture Teaches us About Prayer
Meeting in various homes.
Download our Meeting Schedule
Contact: Garreth Smoak at garrethsmoak AT gmail DOT com  or Laura Smoot at lauracsmoot AT gmail DOT com
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About The Author

Rob Pendley