As everyone knows, little people have big needs. We have compiled a list of items that are used year round, thus these items are always needing to be restocked. We have our “grocery list” of needs and would like to share them with you. So if you happen to be shopping and see a good bargain and would like to make a donation, it would be greatly appreciated. All donations can be dropped off at the Welcome Station on any given Sunday or put in the Children’s Ministry office during the week.


Baby Wipes (any brand)

Hand Sanitizer (any brand)

Clorox Wipes (any brand)



Play Dough (can be bought or homemade)


Hand soap


Paper Plates

Cotton Balls

Googly Eyes


Stamp pads (all colors)

Paper cups (small sizes)

Band Aids

We are so thankful for your continuing support of Children’s ministry. These are items that are always in need of being restocked and donations will be welcomed any time of the year. This list will be put on the Children’s section of the church website for your future referral.




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Children's Ministry