I’m interested to read the article, if not the book. Tim Stafford had an article Listening to Chinese Christians in the March/April issue of Books and Culture on a book by Liao Yiwu, God Is Red.


“Let every Student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed, to consider well [that] the maine end of his life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life, Jn.17:3, and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and Learning.” –Found in Engaging God’s World, by Cornelius Plantinga

Struck me because Hab 2:14 and 3:2 have His people longing for the expansion of His fame—and this means to all people and all spheres of life. (Wish I’d have found this quote yesterday.)


“Beware of watching these Dispatches if you don’t like being moved and inspired and shaken out of the ruts of your life. My wife and I were riveted in watching the frontline reports of God’s work recorded in the Dispatches from the Front. This is the sort of information that builds faith in the present providence of God over his mission, and stirs up action for the sake of lost and hurting people near and far. I would love to see thousands of people mobilized as senders and goers for the sake of the glory of Christ and the relief of suffering on the frontiers, especially eternal suffering.”
—John Piper, author of Desiring God; Pastor for Preaching and Vision, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis




In the November 2002 issue of Perspectives, Nicholas Wolterstorff gave his definition for a “Reformed lifestyle.”

“It’s a style of life that gives prominence to the conviction that God is creator; hence it is that we give thanks to God for the goodness that surrounds us. Secondly, it incorporates a deep and powerful sense of the fallenness of all things, understood in such a way that there is a strong impulse to resist all attempts to draw lines in the sand, with the explanation that human fallenness occurs on this side of the line and not on that side of the line. Fallenness runs throughout our entire existence–indeed, through the cosmos. Corresponding to this comprehensive view of sin is then an equally comprehensive view of faith and salvation… In short, I think that at the heart of the Reformed tradition is a passion for totality, for wholeness, for integrity, for not allowing life to fall into bits and pieces but to constantly ask, ‘What does my faith–what does the gospel of Jesus Christ–have do with this and what does it have to do with that?’ And then never being content with the answer, ‘Nothing!’”


Just a reminder of our Summer Photo Project! Pictures are due in the next week. We would love to see your kids be a part of our Fall Art Gallery!

Calling children of all ages!

This Summer our children are studying two different topics, Creation Celebration and God’s Family in ACTion. Right now we are two weeks into learning about God’s wonderful creation during the second service hour. We are using a delightful and imaginative curriculum that really helps open our eyes to how big God’s world is, how complex and beautiful he made it. For the second part of the Summer we are walking through the book of Acts learning how the body of Christ works together to show God’s redemptive story to their community and the world.

Your kids have two memory verses this Summer

Preschoolers and Kindergarten are learning Psalm 148:1 Praise the Lord! Praise him from the heavens, praise him from the heights!

First-4th are learning Psalm 148:1-4 Praise the Lord! Praise him from the heavens, praise him from the heights above! Praise him, all his angels. Praise him, all his heavenly hosts! Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars! Praise him you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens! Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created.

The second set of verses are:

Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the father through him.

Colossians 3:16-17 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another with all wisdom; and with all gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the father through him.


The Summer Photo Project

Going with our two themes, creation and the church family, we are hosting a Summer photography project for your kids to participate in. We want your kids to submit pictures in the context of where they see God in: creation, their family and their church/community.

These must be submitted by August 5th for display in the art gallery.

They may be submitted by email to hollibest@gmail.com

Children may submit more than one photo. They may submit a collection of photos from each category (I see God in: Creation, My Family, My Church or Community).

This is open to children of all ages.

Drop us an email if you have any questions.