Hello, dear church family!

We love to offer a FREE VBS to our community, but in order to make that continue to happen we need YOU!  We need snack and craft supplies as well as materials for our service projects.  If you did not know, the children participate in several service projects through out the week.  This year they are making floral arrangements for nursing home residents, collecting canned goods for Bread of the Mighty food bank, making bundles to be delivered to traveling homeless people and making care packages for families staying with Ronald McDonald House.

Please look over the list below to see if you can help us by providing a few items.  There is also a poster in the foyer at church with Olympic medals listing the different items.  If you want to grab a couple medals and take them with you that would be great!  That way you remember what items you are supposed to bring.  (I know I always forget!)  And don’t feel as if you have to provide ALL of a specific item…if you grab 2 or 3 packs of whatever it is that would be great!  Every little bit helps!

Thank you so much for your help to make this a great VBS!

*Please bring all donations directly to the Children’s Welcome Station.  Thank you!

Donations Needed

Acrylic Paint (Large bottles of : Red-2, Yellow-2, Green-2, Blue-2, Black-3, Metallic Gold-4)

Cheese sticks (100)

Cherrios (2 boxes)

Chocolate Chips (2 bags)

Fruit Loops (2 boxes)

Go-gurt Tubes (13 boxes)

Goldfish (2 large boxes)

Granola Bars (15 boxes)

Green Felt (100 sheets all shades)

Green Pipecleaners (100)

Gum (50 packs)

Hard candy (5+ bags)

Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil (3 rolls)

Large Popsicle Sticks (100)

Lemonade powder mix (5 cans)

Paper bags with handles (50)

Raisins (4 large boxes)

Small Activity books (word search, Sudoku, crossword) (50)

Small bottled water (60)

Small boxes of Raisins (60)

Small packs of tissues (50)

Socks (10 packs)

Tissue paper (Red-3, Orange-3, Yellow-3)

Travel size hand sanitizers (50)

Travel size shampoo (60)

Travel size soap (60)

Travel size Toothpaste (60)

Washcloths (60)


Here’s most of the team:



One of the weeds that choke out the Spirit’s production of kindness in our lives is our pride.

CSL: Do not imagine that if you meet a really humble man he will be what most people call ‘humble’ nowadays: he will not be a sort of greasy, smarmy person, who is always telling you that, of course, he is nobody. Probably all you will think about him is that he seemed a cheerful, intelligent chap who took a real interest in what yousaid to him. If you do dislike him it will be because you feel a little envious of anyone who seems to enjoy life so easily. He will not be thinking about humility: he will not be thinking about himself at all.
If anyone would like to acquire humility, I can, I think, tell him the first step. The first step is to realise that one is proud. And a biggish step, too. At least, nothing whatever can be done before it. If you think you are not conceited, it means you are very conceited indeed.

The Vice of Pride according to Lewis – Part 8
C.S. Lewis, “The Great Sin,” Mere Christianity (1952; Harper Collins 2001) 128.

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by Brooks Ritter & Rebecca Bales
In the shadow of the glorious cross
Compelled by grace to cast my lot
I’ll discard the loss and bare your name
Forsaking all for your own fame


Your hymn of grace sung over me
Abounding forth in glorious streams
My thirst is quenched by you my Lord
Sustained am I redeemed restored
Sustained am I redeemed restored


Hallelujah, Hallelujah


When death’s dark shadow’s at my feet
When I am plagued by unbelief
You place my hands into your side
By precious blood identified

By precious blood identified


Hallelujah, Hallelujah


These crowns I’ve clenched with fisted hands
I cast them down before the throne
Of Christ my God the worthy lamb
Christ crucified, the Great I AM

Christ crucified, the Great I AM

Christ crucified, the Great I AM


A sobering word in light of last night’s Sandusky conviction: Love notices wet hair