Dear Parents,

Well we are two weeks into our new Summer schedule. I hope your family is adjusting and finding our efforts to make a smooth transition into the new schedule helpful.

I wanted to send out a quick note about the Summer curriculum so you know what your kids are getting this Summer. We are using a new curriculum from Faith Alive, a reformed publishing company. It is solid Christ centered lessons, packed with fun activities and crafts. Last week the kids in the older classes got to do a science project and watch water filter, everyone planted flowers, and saw how big our God is through his complex, imaginative and beautiful creation.

Another reason I would encourage you to take advantage of our Summer classes for kids is that all of this learning about our great God is done within carefully arranged classes that encourages community growth. Each week your kids get to fellowship with their friends in a fun and creative environment. We hope that your family is able to take seriously worshiping together during one service and then you and your children are able to enjoy fellowship and education during another. Because of the 15 minutes between the two services, fellowship for both you and your children is designed to take place in the classrooms. I love seeing my friends at church and meeting new people, kids do to. Our education times are a very important part of your child’s church experience. This is the time when they develop relationships with kids their age, friendships made at church are vital to a child’s understanding of how the body of Christ functions. We have put a lot of time into arranging our class rooms so that not only are they learning about God but they are also experiencing his love through caring teachers and peer friendships.

If you have not been able to take part in both hours, worshiping and education, I want to encourage you to give it a try. Worshiping and education are meant to support each other, and thus your experience and your child’s will flourish much more when the two are combined.

So What Are My Kids Learning Anyways?

Toddlers will be traveling to Creation Station on the Creation Train all Summer. Each week they will walk through each day of creation, we will talk about Adam and Eve’s “big mistake and the slippery snake” and end with God’s Big Story–his plan to rescue his people and his never stopping always and forever love for us.

June Memory Verse

Psalm 89:11 You made the world and everything in it!

July Memory Verse

Genesis 1:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.

August Memory Verse

Psalm 126:3 The Lord has done great things for us, we are glad!


Preschool-4th Grade

June 17th Fins, Fur and Feathers. Scripture: Genesis 1:20-25

June 24th Large and In Charge! Scripture: Genesis 1:1, 26-31; 2:7-9, 15-25

July 1st Small Snake, Big Mistake. Scripture: Genesis 3

Creation Celebration memory verse: Psalm 148:1-4

July 8th God’s Family Grows. Scripture: Acts 2:1-12, 41

July 15th Life in God’s Family. Scripture: Acts 2:42-47

July 22nd Being a Working Family. Scripture: Acts 3:1-10; 5:12-16

July 29th Being a Caring Family. Scripture: Acts 9:32-42

August 5th Being a Welcoming Family. Scripture: Acts 10

August 12th Being a Global Family. Scripture:

God’s Family in ACTion memory verse: Colossians 3:16-17



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Children's Ministry