When Jamie Lash recently took our Next Step class she mentioned studying under Vicki Taylor in high school.  I asked her to write something and she delivered.  Enjoy.


Hi Ladies of Christ Community Church,

 My name is Jami Lash. I’m a freshman at the University of Florida and a recent graduate of Orangewood Christian School.  I’ve been attending Christ Community Church since last fall, and a few weeks ago, I was handed a flyer for the upcoming Women’s retreat.  To my surprise, I recognized the speaker…it was my high school choir teacher and long-time family friend, Mrs. Vicki Taylor.  Mrs. Taylor inspires me and others by setting a beautiful example of how to live an all-encompassing, God-dependent life.   Whether it is in her work, relationships, or in daily conversation, she seeks to give God the glory holistically and love and encourage those around her.   Her wisdom emanates from the Father, but it has not come without difficulty.  Mrs. Taylor has endured tremendous suffering, yet she has always remained upbeat and faithful even through life’s difficulties.    Her singing conveys her passion for the Lord and understanding of just how much we need Christ to live in this broken world.   As a worship leader Sunday mornings, a professional performer, a vocal instructor, but most importantly a servant of the Lord, her powerful testimony impacts the world around her.

While she trained us in vocal exercises, she also cared about our hearts. In class, she took time to explain the deeper meaning behind lyrics, relating them to our lives, but more importantly to how they pointed back to God’s grace.   I grew spiritually just from being a part of our high school choir.  She sought to incorporate God’s glory into the class and into each aspect of our singing, even if it was secular literature.  She did this through making us listen to sermons, doing reflection journals, and discussing the connotative meaning behind each word in the song.  For Mrs. Taylor, it was not merely enough for us to get the notes right or to be on pitch, but to also convey a deep understanding of how to glorify God in our talents.  Love and respect for others were key principles of the class, making it a safe place for all to be vulnerable in singing and encouraging us to make “loud and bold mistakes,” reminding us that is how one learns best.  Because she pursued relationships with us and took time to give glory to God, she made a monumental impact on our lives.  It is encouraging to see a life “so beautifully lived.”

It is hard to put into words how much Mrs. Taylor has impacted me, but I hope you will not solely take my word for it. I hope that you all will come out and hear Vicki Taylor share her message about God’s grace and redemption on Saturday, May 12.

Thank you and in Christ’s love,

Jami Lash

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RSVP today to Paige French, pbemfrench AT gmail DOT com or 258-6542



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Rob Pendley