Here is a bit of info about trips. Look on our website for details.








There will be a mission trip over Alachua County Spring Break to the Calvary Home for Children in Anderson, SC. The dates are March 31 to April 5. This trip is open to families, friends, youth, retirees, etc. Cost is $150 per person, and the sign-up deadline is March 19th. Travel days will be Saturday and Thursday. Sunday we’ll be attending church, going on a hike to a waterfall, eating with the Calvary Home parents and children. Monday through Wednesday will be work days and playing with Calvary Home kids. Projects will be geared towards the skills and abilities of the group we bring. Contact Nate Taylor for more details. To learn more about the Calvary Home, visit –

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6am and 6pm in the sanctuary, tomorrow.

A half-hour of scripture reading, prayer, Holy Communion, and the imposition of ashes.