Since September we have been making available, in the Toddler and Preschool rooms, a parent “Cue”. This is a little handout that we have made available so you can take home the materials that will be taught in your child’s class room each week. We have started doing this because we want you, as the parent, to be the first teacher in your child’s spiritual education. I will continue to make a few of the paper versions available for you, if you are a paper sort of person. But I will also be writing a post here each month for you so you can sit with you young children and talk with them about the Biblical truths they will be learning each week.

This month’s theme is Jesus Can Do Anything!

This month’s memory verse is: “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

Can you tell the stories this month will focus on the amazing miracles Jesus did during his ministry here on earth? They will, not only are we learning that Jesus can do anything because he is God, but its because of God’s power in him that all things are possible for Jesus. Our curriculum uses a lot of interaction with the story so that it comes to life in the imagination of a 2, 3, 4 and 5 year old. This month we want your children to know that Jesus did some amazing things to point people to God. Not only that, but as Jesus was traveling around healing the sick, walking on water, and feeding huge crowds he was sharing the Good News. The Good News that God cares about us so much he sent Jesus to heal us from our brokenness, our sin. There is healing and we can be fixed through Jesus and be with God forever.

Our first story this week comes from Luke 5:1-11. I love this story because even though Simon Peter and his friends had been fishing all night and were ready to quit, when Jesus asked them to cast out their nets once again Peter replies, “we’ve worked hard all night long and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” Peter obeys the words of Jesus, because he is Jesus, for no other reason but because he is Jesus. Peter didn’t know he would pull in the biggest catch of his life by obeying, the reward was huge! Not only did Peter catch fish, but at the end of this story Peter and his friends left their boat and nets to follow Jesus not only physically, but with their hearts too.

On January 15th the story will come from Mark 6:30-44, where Jesus feeds a huge hungry crowd with one boy’s lunch. We will learn that Nothing is too hard for Jesus!

January 22nd we will learn about Jesus doing even the impossible, walking on water in Mark 6:30-44

And finally on January 29th we will see that Jesus has power over everything, even a storm. That story comes from Matthew 8:23-27

Please take time each week to read these stories with your children from the bible, ask them what they think the story is about. Children have big ideas, read together and discover how wonderful Jesus is and what he did for us.



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Children's Ministry